Monday, November 2, 2015

It Started With One Crazy Dog

My Friend Barry

It Started With One Crazy Dog

“I rescued this dog from our local pound and he’s turning our lives upside down!”  Barry said to me over the phone.

My friend Barry is a financial and investment expert.  And, it was at that point where his entire life seemed to begin to unravel.  He started having problems with his back and had surgery twice to try to get it repaired.  Then he had surgery on his eyes to correct his vision and was almost blinded as a result.  Then the final straw, keeping his personal life together, broke as his wife left and their marriage ended!  But, that wasn’t the end.

His business was struggling because of his personal problems and it finally collapsed in bankruptcy. Talk about challenges!  I was concerned for him and worried that his life would never provide him with the joy and success he deserved.  I unfortunately lost touch with him about that time, eight years ago.

Then, while working with Tony, a common friend, I was able to receive an update.  Barry had worked through his two back surgeries, gotten his eyes fixed and married a wonderful new companion.  He also rebuilt his business into a thriving enterprise!  I was thrilled to hear of his regained successes and the lessons he learned.

Sometimes it appears as if our successes in life are all disappearing quickly and when such struggles descend we have a tendency to believe that we’ll never find success and joy ever again.  Unfortunately, such a belief can become a pattern of continued discontent, gloom and despondency.  But, no one need live in such a pattern.  Barry is living proof.

When talking with Barry he explained that even though he was literally tortured during his worst of times, he believed he could turn it all around one step at a time.  “At first, I just made an agreement with myself that I would do my physical therapy every day.  When the pain began to lessen I added one other small thing to accomplish on a daily basis.  Focusing on small progress encouraged me and allowed me to continue forward while building confidence.”

Speaking of building personal confidence Barry said, “Just do one thing you’re good at every day.  That alone will help you feel encouraged.”

When you’re life feels as if it is turned upside down remember Barry and what my Uncle Truss said to me once. “Things will turn around for you again.  You can count on it!”

Barry even got to the point where he could count on his dog again.  A few visits with a good local trainer got both of them straightened out.  That too teaches you and me something else encouraging. 

There are times when it’s helpful, necessary and important to reach out to others for help.  Not one of us can be successful on our own.  We need to be surrounded by people who can help us make progress.

Barry put it best, “Working with a crazy dog made me look deep inside to discover areas where I needed to improve personally.  While it appeared as if my problems all started with that crazy dog, I soon learned, from him, that I could live a happier life if I just made a few small positive changes and got some help.  Now, I’m glad to say that my new, improved life all started with that one crazy dog!”

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