Sunday, March 27, 2011

Nothing is Permanent

"Nothing is permanent in this wicked world, not even our troubles."

  • Charles Chaplin

Nothing is Permanent

A few years ago when I started one of my first businesses I was really struggling. It seemed as if I was constantly swimming against the tide. Revenues were not growing the way I had projected and it just felt as if I wasn't making any progress. Then a conversation with my one of my Uncles made a big difference for me.

"How are things going?" asked my Uncle Truss.

"Not so well." I replied.

"Oh well, you've done well before and you'll do well again." He reminded me.

"Remember the attitude of gratitude!" He continued.

Then he walked away with a smile on his face and a spring in his step after he handed me a little card with the gratitude saying printed on it.

But, there was also something printed on his face. It was his gentle smile. A smile that conveyed to me that he really did have faith in me and he really did believe that things would be well; I knew that he knew it! He is a man that has had his share of troubles in life so I knew he talked from experience.

When he was early on into his first marriage his wife became ill and died, leaving him with a young daughter to bring up on his own. Even though it was difficult he continued on a found a wonderful young woman, who was herself a widow with a young son, to marry and together they had more children and built a wonderful life together. But, it wasn't easy for them.

I'll never forget visiting them in their home for many years as they lived in the basement while the entire upstairs was under continued construction. He worked full time outside his home and would then come home and work to complete their house at night and on weekends. They scrimped and saved, toiled and labored to finally complete their home. But, in the end their home was finished and beautiful and they didn't borrow any money to create it. It was theirs!

They lived a nice life in that house and enjoyed their children until they grew and moved away. Not long ago my Aunt Mary Lou passed away and my Uncle Truss sold their house and down sized. When I saw him last, he still had his knowing smile and the same spring in his step. He gave me his gratitude card again and said, "See, I told you you'd be doing well again!"

I looked into his eyes and saw the deep well of strength, love and experience still in residence there. I thought, "Nothing is permanent, except for one thing! Change is permanent and the way a person deals with change can be permanent!"

My Uncle Truss deals with change by keeping a smile on his face and holding faith deep within his heart. I keep his little gratitude card in my wallet and his experience and encouragement anchored to my soul. They remind me that the world is mostly good, not wicked, and that goodness of the heart can be as permanent as change!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Dream Big, So Small Things, Incorporate New Discoveries

"I am so depressed. I didn't get the promotion I applied for."

  • Kilee Johnson

Dream Big, Do Small Things, Incorporate New Discoveries

It's the middle of the afternoon when my phone rings. Even though I was totally absorbed in my work I could see who was calling so I decided to answer the call. It was my daughter, Kilee.

"I was just calling because I didn't get the promotion I applied for. I talked with Human Resources and they were supposed to tell me what I could do to prepare for another opportunity, but they didn't help me at all!" Were the first words I heard.

"I just don't feel as if I'm making any progress." She went on to say.

I mostly just sat and listened because she was verbalizing exactly how I've felt on many occasions. I bet you've felt that way too.

When I could feel that it was my turn to speak. I decided to pass on some things I've been thinking about a lot over the past year or so.

"Life is made up a mostly small moments." I said.

Too many times people think that success in life is all about getting the big promotion, making the big play, or getting that one huge commission that will change their life. Those are indeed important events, but they are far and few between for the vast majority of us. And, when they come you should immerse yourself in them fully. Step back and really enjoy them. Savor the moment. But, don't forget all of the other moments!

"I've found that as long as concentrate on four things it really helps me." I said.

"What four things?" She replied.

"First, I make sure I have a clear vision of what my ultimate goal is."

"You need to make sure you know what your destination is so you know exactly where you're going. If you don't know what you're trying to become, then there is nothing you can do every day to work toward that goal. I think that may be what you're really struggling with."

The second thing is so intricately woven into the first that most people miss its significance. It's the only way you can really tell if you're making progress; make sure you're doing small things every day to reach your goal. Outline each activity and know what you need to do on a regular basis so you can incorporate them into your personality. They must become who you are.

Perhaps the most intriguing thing about this approach to life is that you will discover new traits to develop along the path to your goal. There is no way to know all of these unknowns today! Just use the accomplishment of your daily objectives as confirmation of who you're becoming. Finally, have faith that the right things will happen for you as you keep your focus and become your goal one step at a time. It will happen! Don't be discouraged!

Dream your dream, do the small things to become that dream on a daily basis, incorporate your discoveries along the way, and keep your eye firmly fixed on who you will become in the end. You can do it!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Insight From a Luminary

"I am always amazed that you can find wisdom everywhere and from anybody."

  • Brad Bertoch

Insight From a Luminary

My friend Brad Bertoch has been recognized as a National Luminary in the field of Entrepreneurship. I've worked with him for more than twenty years now so it didn't take such recognition for me to see what makes him truly special.

We've reviewed hundreds of business plans during the course of our work and I've been able to observe his ability to analyze and forecast a company's chances of success. All of this experience with him has enabled me to gain a special insight into what makes him a leader in business. They're also concepts you can incorporate into your own life!

First, investors invest in a management team, not a technology or idea. It isn't enough to have a great idea to create a successful company. That really means that when you're looking to make something of your life just dreaming about having a great life isn't enough. You have to go out and do the things that will give you a great life; learn about subjects you want to build your life around and then go out and get experience in doing those things. This is the special combination and will make you into the person of your dreams.

Second, you need to make sure your business benefits from market pull, not market push. This is a simple concept that means, in the words of Thomas Edison, "I will never invent a product that people don't want ever again." Perhaps your grandmother put it another way; "You catch more bees with honey than vinegar." Become a person that other people want to be around. Be known as the person everyone wants to be with because you make them feel so good. Lonely people are generally not giving people. The more you give to others, the fuller and richer your life will be.

Third, when you're hiring other people to help you run your business, hire absolute superstars! Make sure you have high quality friends in your life. I don't mean just successful business people. Last week Brad said to me, "I am always amazed that you can find wisdom everywhere and from anybody." You just have to be looking for it. So look for people that have qualities you admire and then pattern that part of them for your own life. You become like the people you associate with.

Finally, great companies aren't built over night. They usually don't end up looking anything like they began. I take comfort in that fact every day. It's what makes life such a wonderful adventure. You truly are the CEO of your own life. Brad has taught me that if I will apply these concepts with true intent that over the long run I'll have made a life that will have lots of investors and we'll all be well paid as a result of our life together.

Invest in yourself, make sure you're a person others will want to be with, surround yourself with the highest quality people and keep improving yourself throughout your life so in the end you'll have had a rich life indeed.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Garcia’s Way

"I wanted to pass on good advice to my friend."

  • Eddie Garcia

Garcia's Way

I've worked with Eddie for a long time and have always admired his caring, good natured personality. So, when we were talking over lunch the other day I was not too surprised to hear him express his concern over one of his clients.

I listened to him describe the challenge his client was facing and watched his personal agony as he talked about how he was working to help. I could see the pain in his eyes and feel the swell of his heart as he told me an awe-inspiring story.

His client had followed time-honored principles in preparing for a successful transaction. But today's society has created rules that mock common sense and reason. Eddie could see the insanity and was using all of his experience and knowledge to try to bridge the gap.

"It's exhausting." He expressed in tired tones.

Luckily Eddie is a man who has spent the last four years retrenching himself in his values. "Had I not made changes in my financial and personal life when the economy took a downturn I would have been in real trouble. Now I want to do everything I can to help as many people as I can."

He went on to tell me about working with a young colleague who had created an early success for himself. His confidence and wallet were brimming. But Eddie could see some potential problems that were invisible to a successful man of youth, so he took a moment to provide counsel. To his credit, the younger man accepted the wisdom offered.

It was not more than two months before he came back to Eddie and thanked him for his ability to read the waters of a moving sea and acting as a fog horn of safety. Common sense and reason can be passed on to others if offered in the way of graciousness.

Affability combined with common sense, reason, experience and knowledge is what I have come to call, "Garcia's Way." It is a path to successful personal and interpersonal transformation and can be used by anyone who simply chooses to follow it. If you've ever wanted to change the world, you can! Make Garcia's Way your way and watch your world change right before your eyes.