Sunday, April 29, 2018


“’Reformulation’ of gasoline and diesel fuel removes many pollutants at the refinery, so smog-forming compounds never reach the tailpipe.  Developed in the late 1980s by chemists at the Arco oil company, petroleum reformulation is a social boon most people don’t even know occurred.” – Greg Easterbroom


Ear plugs were set firmly in place and I was firmly focused on pulling the starting cord of my line trimmer.  This was the first time I’d wintered my landscaping machines using newly formulated antiaging fuel.  I was hoping it lived up to its proclaimed benefits.  And this was my analysis of those claims, the first attempted start for the season.  “Here goes nothing!”  I said to myself with a tug. 

I’d been here every spring for years and years.  With traditionally formulated fuel I’d expend all my energy, for seemingly ages, to get even a sputter out of awakening machines, so when the trimmer sputtered and quit on the first tug, my heart was cheered. I pulled again.  It sputtered and quit.  Then, on the third try it started, sputtered and kept running, roughly.  I held it in my hands and fiddled with the accelerator switch, just enough to keep coaxing it on until it ran smoothly.  That’s when I noticed that a car had rolled up in the drive behind me.

The combination of blocked ears and trimmer noise had deadened my senses to the arrival of a guest.  I turned off my triumphantly-sprung-back-to-life machine with the confidence of “new convert” to reformulated fuel, to greet my visitors.

“Hi!”  The kind voice wafting from the open car window said.  “I made you some bread.  It’s banana bread.”  She said.

It was Siokapessi Tilini.  One of my newer neighbors.  I was a little surprised by her gesture, just because I don’t often that get visits from my neighbors. And, I wasn’t surprised at all because of the smiling face in front of me.  From the first time I met Siokapessi and her husband Tevita I’ve marveled at their genuinely warm and open nature.  It was the same at this moment.  Her smile and presence were as if a second sun had begun to light my day.  I thanked her and she backed out of my driveway. 

I walked back to my trimmer, marveling at fuel reformulation and the wonder of how the kindness on one person can reformulate an entire day, environment or life.

“’Reformulation’ of gasoline and diesel fuel removes many pollutants at the refinery, so smog-forming compounds never reach the tailpipe.  Developed in the late 1980s by chemists at the Arco oil company, petroleum reformulation is a social boon most people don’t even know occurred.” Greg Easterbroom wrote in the recent book I’ve been reading.

Greg’s words passed through my mind again as my ear plugs were set firmly in place and I was firmly focused on pulling the starting cord of my line trimmer.  This was the first time I’d wintered my landscaping machines using newly formulated antiaging fuel and I was now wondering if the Tilinis were the equivalent of a reformulated fuel for winterized hearts.  Both are a social boon with proven, marvelous results.  And this is my confirmation of both claims, the first successful start for the season for my line trimmer and my warmer, grateful heart.

“Here goes nothing!”  I said to myself with the Tilini-tug still warming my newly reformulated heart!

Monday, April 23, 2018


“I just take the shot and don’t worry about it.  I don’t think too much about it.  I just take the shot and then I take the next one and the next one.  I don’t worry about what may happen if I miss.  I don’t over think it.” – Donovan Mitchell


“I don’t know what to do.  I don’t what to lose this!” Hugo Muddles said as we talked in the hallway.  “Then, how do I respond if they come back to me?”  In rapid fire.  He continued on, dreaming up scenario after scenario until his face had become ashen in color.  I was beginning to have real concern for Hugo’s wellbeing.  He was so worried.

A little later in the day Hugo called me so he could worry about the same things.  The same details.  The same imaginings.  I went over every detail with him again, until he seemed to be satisfied.  At least until the next call.

The next call started in exactly the same way.  We rehearsed every aspect of his imaginings once more.  When we finished this third call, it was time to find a solution!  Hugo needed some inner peace, some confidence that would pave the way for his success.  As if on cue, an answer arrived on air.

I was half listening to an interview, on the radio, when the words confidence and success caught my attention.  As if on cue!  The hosts were interviewing Utah Jazz Star, Donovan Mitchell.  They talked about his three-point shooting in the last game.  He hadn’t made one in the last game.

“What gave you the confidence to keep on shooting?”  Gordon Monson asked.  “I watched Rudy Gobert pull you aside during the game and say something to you.  What did he say?”

“He told me to get more aggressive, go to the rim, to play my game.”  Donovan replied.

“And you ended the game with twenty-eight points!  How do you get your confidence back when you’re not shooting well?” Gordon asked.

“I just take the shot and don’t worry about it.  I don’t think too much about it.  I just take the shot and then I take the next one and the next one.  I don’t worry about what may happen if I miss.  I don’t over think it.”  Donovan answered.

I continued listening while driving down the road, thinking about Hugo and his important shot.  His shot is quite different from a basketball playoff shot.  But, the stakes are just as high.  He’s been practicing, preparing and playing his game many years for this very moment.  His shot is right now.

I pulled into a parking space.  Hugo’s name flashed on my phone screen.  I answered.

“I don’t know what to do.  I don’t what to lose this!” Hugo Muddles said as we talked on the phone.  “Then, how do I respond if they come back to me?”  In rapid fire.  He continued on dreaming up scenario after scenario until I was imagining that his face had again become ashen in color. 

I took a deep breath.  “Take the shot and don’t worry about it!  Don’t think too much about it.  Just take the shot, and then take the next one and the next one.  Don’t worry about what will happen if you miss.  Don’t over think it!”  I replied as I tried to channel Donovan Mitchell’s wisdom, confidence and success.

“Hum.”  Hugo said in a gasp.  “I guess I should take it one step at a time and not worry so much!”

Monday, April 16, 2018

Life Elevated?

 "You can be angry, bitter, resentful and unkind back, or you can take the high road and demonstrate your beliefs better than they have theirs.  Our advice would be to take the high road and treat them with kindness and love anyway.  Do this, not because they deserve it, but because it's the k ind of person you want to be."
– Kimberly Giles

Life Elevated?

I looked directly into her eyes as she spoke.

“We’ve noticed a huge change in people since we moved here four years ago.” Tracy DiNardo said.  “When we came here, we really loved how friendly the people were.  But, things have change dramatically.  I guess they just feel really stressed about all of the new people.”

Tracy and Tome DiNardo came here so their kids could work to be part of the United States Speed Skating team.  And, I’ve marveled at how their kids have grown over that short time.  I say kids, but they’re more than kids now.  They’re young adults.  I’ve enjoyed watching them at the Utah Olympic Oval from time to time.

One time, during a World Cup Event, I sat in the stands with hundreds of others watching the best skaters from throughout the world.  It was a great time for me to admire the skills and talent of the skaters.  It was also a good time for me to sit and listen to what others were saying about our community.  As I listened, one idea struck me over and over again.

People are moving here now for the same reasons people used to laugh at us for more than twenty years ago.  I used to sit on airplanes, headed back home from working out of state, when someone would make a common statement as we began our descent into Salt Lake International.

“Get ready to turn your clocks back twenty years.”  Some would quip.

Now, people like Tracy and Tom DiNardo come here because they are looking for a healthy environment in which to raise great kids.  It’s just like my friends Michael and Jay Dee Crouse once said to me, “The teenagers here are so respectful and good!  They’re much different than those where we’ve lived before. We’ll never move again!”

As Tracy talked, I listened.  As she was speaking, questions came to my mind.  Have we changed?  Do we welcome the people who’ve come to join with us because of the community we’ve built, because of who we are?  I was pondering these important questions again as I was reading one of my favorite local authors, relationship expert and life coach Kimberly Giles. 

She gave all of us great advice as she responded to a question asked by a hurting mother who had been treated unkindly, by longtime residents, upon her family’s recent move here.

 "You can be angry, bitter, resentful and unkind back, or you can take the high road and demonstrate your beliefs better than they have theirs.  Our advice would be to take the high road and treat them with kindness and love anyway.  Do this, not because they deserve it, but because it's the k ind of person you want to be."

What kind of people do you and I really want to be?

Monday, April 9, 2018

Dual Fuel

“Only strong personal relationships will eliminate internal emptiness.”  - Angela Dobson

Dual Fuel

Angela is a health coach.  She knows all about how to put the right fuel into the human body so it can repair itself and fight disease. She teaches her clients how to fuel their body so it can perform all of its functions properly and feel good.  She can tell you what time of day to eat and what to snack on so you’ll feel strong and vivacious.  She’s a source of information and strength for hundreds of people as she guides them toward living healthy, enriched lives.  I call her approach to health the “Dual Fuel Philosophy.”

One day, as we were conversing about using and viewing food as fuel for enhanced living she taught me about the second component of Dual Fuel.

“You’ve heard the term ‘comfort food?’” She asked.

“Yes.” I replied.

“People often talk about seeking comfort by eating food.”  She continued.  “As I work with people they’ll often say that they eat to fill an emptiness they feel inside.  That’s when I ask them an important question.  After you eat the food, have you paid attention to whether it truly filled that void?”

I assumed that she meant stopping a hunger pang.  But, she had set wheels of inquiry spinning in my head and I began to think.  “I’m a little confused here!  We were just talking about using food to fuel the body.  Could she be broadening our conversation?”

Angela then went on to explain the difference between fueling the body and fueling life.  “Eating the right foods at the right time will give your body the fuel it needs to function as it was intended.  And, that’s important!  But, it will never fill emptiness of the soul.  Only strong personal relationships will eliminate internal emptiness!  Food fuels the body and strong personal relationships fuel life.”

Her words taught me a little about the dual nature of the way we live.  We have a physical body and it’s important!  At the same time, you and I are so much more than just our physical nature.  We’re, you and I, complicated creatures.  We need more.

Angela says we need each other.  Angela is a health coach.  She knows all about how to put the right fuel into the human body so it can repair itself, fight disease, and fuel the human body and soul. If you talk with her she’ll tell you eat the right foods and importantly, to spend time developing and strengthening personal relationships.  Using both in combination will fuel your body and your life, so you’ll feel strong and vivacious.

Could Angela’s Dual Fuel formula begin fueling your life toward increased happiness?