Monday, September 30, 2013

Being Successful Enough

“There is only one success, to be able to live your life in your own way”

-Christopher Morley

Being Successful Enough

I pulled a friend aside between meetings and posed an important question to him.  “How do you feel about what you’ve accomplished in your life?”
I asked him this question because although he is always impeccably dressed and is financially successful I’ve always seen something else in his eyes; a deep sadness.  I wouldn’t have noticed his hidden grief had I not spent lots of face-to-face time with him; time that has allowed us to develop a deep friendship.

“I feel disappointed with what I’ve accomplished in my life!” He responded.
His response caught me by surprise.  I didn’t expect to hear such an all encompassing declaration.  He has children I know he’s grateful for and proud of.  On one occasion he told me that his children have grown to be better than he is.  His business acumen has provided him and his family with a home and level of comfort few have achieved.  He has a wife who loves him and has stood by his side for many years.  So why in the world would such a man feel so disappointed in his accomplishments?

I’ve thought long and hard to find an answer to this question and as a result it has made me realize that it’s important for each one of us to take the time to affirm our own definition of success as early in life as possible.  If you will, your view of whether you’re “successful enough” will be seen in an entirely different light.
Albert Einstein once said, “The problems that exist in the world today cannot be solved by the level of thinking that created them.”  So, what if you were able to catapult your life to new heights by removing the shackles of society’s definition of success and replacing them with a pursuit that reflects your authentic self?  Perhaps your definition of success doesn’t need to be based on who has the most money, power, or status.

So, I invite you to ask yourself this question:  “Is the work I’m doing and the environment in which I’m doing it reflective of my gifts and priorities?”  If the answer is no, then a life and career shift may be appropriate for you.  You don’t have to walk away tomorrow.  But, at least you’ll know what you’re dealing with.  If you do decide to change course, start by giving yourself consent to go in any direction your genuine gifts and interests compel you toward.
Instead of trying to force yourself to accept a definite definition of success, imagine your life based on pursuing your authentic work.  Take time to explore out-of-the-box ways you could live the life of your dreams.  When you discover what your path is, you will no longer lack the confidence or the skills to go after what you want.  Both will spring from within your heart and your heart will also tell you you’re successful enough.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Living 2 of 7

“Most people I work with spend all week just waiting for the weekend so they miss living most of their lives!”

-Mary Hernandez

Living 2 of 7

Aldolfo is a short, wiry man with a never ending sparkle in his eyes.  He has lots of energy.  In fact, he has more energy than most men I know who are half his age.  I’m not half his age.  I’m a lot closer to his age.  But, when I’m with him, I want to live as if I were his age.
Aldolfo just has a zest for life.  When we look at land together he’s the one who wants to walk every square inch of the property.  It doesn’t matter what the conditions or the weather are.  When I was last with him, he pulled a pair of boots and a hat out of his truck and widened his grin as he said, “I hope you have time.  I want to walk the property!”

“I wish I had his energy!” I said to Mary his wife.
“Everybody does!” she replied.

“He isn’t like most people I know.” Mary continued.  “He’s a dreamer and a worker.  He lives with his dreams in mind every day.  I think that’s what keeps him moving.  He just can’t wait to spend every day reaching toward his dreams.  He’s definitely not like the people I work with.  Most people I work with spend all week just waiting for the weekend so they miss living most of their lives!”
Mary began to miss her husband and got up to look out of the window to check on his progress.  She peered across the acres of dried, blowing grass searching for him.  She had no luck finding him until she turned back to the font of the house and found that Aldolfo had already changed and was walking back through the front door.

“This is it!” He said.  “I can’t wait to bring my animals here!”  His smile and gleaming eyes were saying more than the words escaping his mouth were.  I could see the satisfaction welling up inside of him and exploding through his countenance.  I also knew that this find had been a long time coming.   He has worked many years to realize this part of his dream.  And, while I’ve worked with him over many months to see this triumph, I knew he had been working toward it over a much longer time.  Here’s what I noticed about his amazing approach to life while I’ve been working with him:
Aldolfo knows what he wants, and while what he has today is not perfect, he keeps his eye fixed solidly on daily progress toward reaching his dream.  He’s able to hold the perfection inside, where it remains perfect and unaffected by the outside world.  Nothing on the outside can convince him that he doesn’t already own his future today!

Second, because of the way Aldolfo holds his dream, he knows he is capable of individual brilliance.  At the same time, he also knows and accepts the fact that he’s human; he isn’t brilliant all day, every day.  He accepts that fact, and as a result he is very forgiving of himself.  He knows that extremes go with the territory when it comes to personal achievement.  Whether you’re conducting a scientific experiment, creating art, managing a project, starting a business, or doing anything of significance, you’ll have good days and bad days.  Aldolfo recognizes these extremes and rolls with the punches.  He accepts his own low points without self-incrimination.
He simply strives to do his best.  He feels comfortable in his own skin.  He has a child-like sense of adventure and doesn’t let his own failures detour him.  He also lives the way he wants without worries such as, “what will the neighbors say.”

Finally, Aldolfo allows himself to really savor his victories as they come.  He once said to me, “When I get a chance to ride my horse, I really enjoy the ride!”
The ride of life offers each one of us different tempos and provides all kinds of exhilarating opportunities. No one can live life to its fullest by living only 2 of every 7 days.  Live each day by recognizing that time and effort are required to fully achieve your dreams.  Then, hold your dreams inside while working on them every day.  Live your life with people who will befriend and love you no matter what comes your way. And, when you get a chance to ride your horse, really enjoy the ride!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Becoming an Overnight Success

“In the midst of difficulty lies opportunity.”

-Albert Einstein

Becoming an Overnight Success

I was having dinner with a group of collogues not long ago.  We’ve all be involved with investing in early stage companies for lots of years.  More years than I care to think about most of the time, but our conversation on this particular night demonstrated the value of long, hard work to me.
I was sitting across the big, round table from my friend Phil and just out of one corner of my ear heard him say something about a company I had been aware of many years ago.  When I heard what Phil was saying I began to listen intently because I remembered another friend of ours talking with me about investing in this same company ages ago.  It had been so long ago that I had completely forgotten about them and assumed that they had gone out of business.  So, I said, “I saw that deal years ago and I don’t think it has any legs.”

Phil looked back across at me and said, “They’ve changed their business model and I think they may really have something now.”
As it turns out, Phil and I are now spending time with this company working to get them positioned to move in to their first rapid growth phase!  What I mean by rapid growth is taking this company from doing about $1.5 million in annual revenue to about $40 million in annual revenue within the next 3-5 years.

What’s so striking about this exciting opportunity is that as the company hits its stride, virtually everyone in the world will believe this company to be  an “overnight success.”  What they won’t know is that the entrepreneur who succeeded in creating this booming company worked many years in developing, testing, and altering his business model and product long before he dazzled the marketplace with his success.
I know the entrepreneur created a technology that worked successfully and he sold it successfully.  Then he reengineered his product to make it cheaper to build and less expensive to purchase.  In fact, his current design is so simple and elegant that the untrained eye will look at it and believe that it’s so simple that anyone could have created it with just a little thought and tinkering.  But, nothing could be further from the truth.

The inventor has spent more than 5 years and 3 million dollars to get it to its current point of refined design.  He also used the same time and money to literally turn his business model upside down.  That’s no overnight success! 
It reminds me that Michelangelo once said, “If people knew how hard I worked to get my mastery, it wouldn’t seem so wonderful after all.”

So, next time you see or use something wonderful remember that it’s the culmination of someone’s long, hard work and genius that you’re enjoying.  Perhaps most importantly, remember that when you’re working late and dreaming as you toil, you’re really releasing a life time of personal genius so you can be an overnight success yourself!
Be a growth-mindset person so you can learn from mistakes and failure.  If you will, rather than withdrawing from difficult endeavors or becoming discouraged, you’ll redouble your efforts.  See yourself as a work in progress and you’ll automatically begin to experience feelings of success with every step you take into your bright future.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Getting Lucky

“Success is simply a matter of luck. Ask any failure.”
-Earl Nightingale

Getting Lucky

For a large portion of my life I thought that the most successful people in the world were “luckier” than everyone else.  I don’t think my mind began to change until I watched the “lucky” Steve Jobs just get luckier and luckier.  When he returned to Apple and turned his company around I knew that my simple-minded theory of lucky people had been completely disproven!  That thought lost all of its credibility within my mind and I began to search for the truth of good fortune.
Since that time I’ve deliberately watched lucky people and have noticed that successful people habitually put themselves in situations where good things are likely to happen.  Good things seemingly just show up for them.  They’re always in the right place at the right time.  I had this principle pointed out and demonstrated to me directly by my friends Lorraine and Kristin a few years ago.

Kristin, Lorraine and I were working together when all of a sudden one of the best cottages in Park City became available and was offered directly to Kristin.  I was amazed at the good fortune that had occurred, but Lorraine causally said, “This kind of thing happens for her all the time.  It’s amazing!”
During lunch with Kristin and Lorraine this week I watched a man come up and warmly greet Kristin.  It was clear that they had enjoyed a great relationship for many years.  At the moment of this occurrence the thought, “Lucky people put themselves in places where they’re apt to meet interesting people” came racing through my mind.

Our conversation during lunch allowed me to learn about other, just as interesting, attributes of lucky people.  Lorraine and Kristin are lifelong learners who frequently attend classes, symposiums and conferences.  They have broad and varying interests and I’ve watched them set goals and follow through on them with deliberate action.  They’re always involved in something interesting and revealing.
Their intense curiosity reveals itself in every conversation.   They don’t hesitate to talk to strangers where ever they are.  They ask lots of questions so it effectively positions them to attract good fortune in the way of contacts, advice and assistance.  They view life as a wonderful adventure that reveals itself to everyone who is interested.  They are interested in life and all that it has to offer.  And, as a result, they are interesting and exciting people to be with. 

While we were together last, we were talking about things that were interesting to all of us and when I spoke of one place in particular Kristin looked up at Lorraine and said, with a sparkle in her eye, “I think we better go there and see it, don’t you?”  Lucky people show up. 
Luck will show up for you too if you’ll simply step out to meet interesting people, become a lifelong learner, be curious and act when the time is right.  You’re a bright and capable person.   It’s your time to live life as a wonderful adventure and let it reveal itself to you as you live it.  Let it surprise you. Get lucky.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Identity Theft Protection

“Don’t let this steal the progress you’ve already made away from you!”
-Glenn Earl

Identity Theft Protection

There was a crackle of paper as I sat on the edge of an exam table.  The paper was smooth and clean to my touch.  It’s a sensation I only get when I visit my friend Glenn Earl’s office.  I see him on a regular basis because he uses traditional Chinese herbs and vitamins to help keep me in a healthy state due to the long hours I work.  It was my regular visit, but this time he taught me a different kind of lesson.
Dr. Earl walked into the room and greeted me warmly.  We’ve been working together for years now, so we’ve developed a great friendship beyond that of medical care.  It makes me feel comfortable to know that he cares about my well being in more than just one way.  This day would demonstrate his care in a different dimension.

As soon as Dr. Earl and I settled in to talk to each other, I told him of a new health challenge that was causing me some discouragement.  He looked at me with caring eyes and said, “I can see why that has you discouraged, but don’t let this steal the progress you’ve already made away from you!” He said.
Then he reminded me of how much progress we’ve made while working together.  He described how much my strength and organs have improved and how I was still progressing.  By the time I left his office I was feeling successful and grateful for how much my health has improved over the past year and a half!  My attitude had completely changed.

Life regularly throws changes toward us all.  So, I know there are times in your life when things aren’t going exactly as you thought they would.  When that happens, if you’re like me, you tend to begin to feel unsuccessful.  Dr. Earl has taught me that living life focused on things that go wrong can steal all you’ve accomplished as well as the good from your life, if you allow it.  He also demonstrated that simply taking a moment to flood your mind with recollections of your progress, growth and great relationships can instantly change your prospective and your mood. 
Next time you’re feeling a little low because of some challenge, stop.  Take a moment to think of how far you’ve come, what you’ve built and how many people you love and enjoy.  Allow the warm feeling of memory to wash through your whole being.  When you do, the thief will be gone and you’ll be left with a lasting knowledge that nothing can steal your essence or accomplishments.  It’s the best identify theft protection available and it costs you nothing!