Monday, March 12, 2012

Living From Your Heart

Living From Your Heart
Every once in a while something happens in life that causes one to question everything.  Such is the case with a good friend of mine.  I sat with him this week and intently listened to the events that led him to his moment of self discovery.

As I listened to him describe his tribulation I was filled with empathy.  He described the unfolding events in a way that expressed a tale highlighted by personal lessons learned and recognition of miracles received.  Such insight can only come from quiet contemplation; he had spent a great deal of time discerning his personal talents and had clearly defined his strengths in preparation to discover his life’s next great adventure.

I hated to interrupt his compelling account but felt compelled to do so.  “I can see your talents and strengths clearly,” I said.  “They’re key components of your great success.  But, what of joy; what is it you truly love to do?”

He looked back at me with slight questioning in his eyes and said, “I haven’t looked at it from that angle!”

Then we spent more time talking about what his heart yearned to do and that he hadn’t seen a way to do what he really loved because of many hurdles that lay in the path.  That’s when we talked about the concept of combining heartfelt love with individual talents and personal strengths.

“If you simply adjust your thinking in the slightest way,” I said, “you can begin to discover potential unique combinations between your heart, talent, strength and your life’s work.”

Doing so allows each individual to bring a powerful and unique combination that is rare in today’s world.  It’s what sets you apart from all others around you.  I like to refer to it as that “extra bit” that’s intangible, yet discernible to others.  It’s where the old saying, “she has it.”  Nobody seems to know what “IT” is, but “IT” is there!

Everyone has the ability to set themselves apart by going through a process of self discovery and living their life from their heart.  When I speak with those who have found their way to such a life they all tell me it’s what has “saved them.”  Begin this journey on your own, without life’s compulsion, and you’ll open a new universe of discovery that is unimaginable to you today.  It’s never too late and always worth the trip!

What is your heart telling you?

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