Monday, November 2, 2020

Intentional Grounding

An intentionally grounded forward pass.

Intentional Grounding

“You’re moving forward in an intentional way!”  Angela Dodson’s voice said through my telephone.

I have to admit that at the moment Angela’s words penetrated my ears my mental focus inadvertently shifted from the important conversation we were engaged in.  Perhaps it was because it was a crisp fall Monday and I’d watched two local college teams play football games over the two preceding days.  So, naturally the movie within my mind recalled one pass in particular.  I guess if the truth be told, it wasn’t really a pass.

The quarterback was being chased by Goliath-like, mountain-sized men as his eyes scanned the field for an opportunity to pass the football to an open receiver.  I’m also sure his heart was screaming, “I’m going to die if I don’t get rid of this ball!”  So, just before he was crushed into something akin to Powerade Mixed Berry Sports Drink he purposefully threw the ball to a location off the field where no one could catch it.  And, a yellow hankie was thrown instantly thereafter!

“Intentional Grounding!  Offense.  Ten-yard penalty.”  Were the words that echoed throughout the virtually empty stadium.

“When you intentionally move forward in the direction you want to go, it makes all the difference in your ability to achieve success!”  Angela’s voice confirmed as she snapped my attention back to her, during my coaching session.

Angela has made a huge difference in the way I live my life, as well as in how I approach my business.  Change that originated as a result of the nuts & bolts details she’s imparted to me through personalized coaching.  Those results are the reason we’ve worked together for a few years now.  I’ve learned a lot from her and could never pass on every gain to you in a concise way.  There’s just too much information and growth for a “Cliff Notes” shortcut to yield beneficial use.  But, of all she’s given me, this once concept of living intentionally is perhaps the most beneficial; constructive through specific combination.

Living life in an intentional way is very different from just letting life serendipitously happen.  That’s not to say it eliminates the pleasure and joy of finding the accidental, fortuitous happenstance in living.  All of that surprise will still add delight for you.  Like the surprise I felt this football season when that same intentional grounding quarterback debuted a bunch of newly developed skills 

Over the off season his desire to transform himself drove him to drive about 10 hours, each way, every other week or so to work with one particular quarterback coach. True desire leads to true intentional living.  In his case, the burning desire to move past being a good player to transforming into a truly great player caused him to add new skills, such as mastering additional throwing angles, and other new dimensions to his overall game.

“You’re really on your way now!” Angela said to me right after I had outlined how my own desire had prompted me to shape and then begin to take specific steps toward increased success.  

“You’ve become grounded with intention!  It will make all the difference for you.”  She continued.

I have to admit that at the moment Angela’s words penetrated my ears my mental focus inadvertently shifted from the important conversation we were engaged in.  Perhaps it was because it was a crisp fall Monday and I’d watched two local college teams play football games over the two preceding days.  So, naturally the movie within my mind recalled one pass in particular.  I guess if the truth be told, it wasn’t really a pass.  It was intentional grounding.

And, now you and I have a little more understanding of how being grounded with intention, compelled and shaped by desire will allow anyone to add new skills, dimension and greater success to playing in the biggest game, called life.

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