Monday, May 22, 2017

The Mythical Mirror

“I’m disappointed in my self!”

The Mythical Mirror

“I’m just disappointed in my self!”  I heard the voice on the phone say to me.

I was listening carefully.  My heart began to hurt at that very moment.  I know what it’s like to stand in front of a mirror to see reflected disappointment.  I also know that every reflection, in every mirror is not fixed!

Think about that for just one minute; every reflection, in every mirror is not fixed.  An image reflected, changes second by second, moment by moment.  It’s a truth about the world we live in.  Take a moment to dramatize this principle personally.

Pull three or four photos of yourself from different periods of time and examine them side-by-side.  Those images are fixed in their time.  Now, hold them face front, as you compare them, in the mirror, to your current reflection.  While those images are fixed, you are not!  There is nothing you can do about not being stuck in one moment of time with one exception.

That exception is the personal belief held within your mind.  I call it the “Mythical Mirror.”  It is the belief that what you see in the mirror, at this very moment, will never change.  Such a belief is a kin to believing that you’ve become trapped inside of a mirror and can’t get out.  Have no fear; every one of us can escape this harrowing mirror trap.

Perhaps my friend Brad Bertoch explained how to be free of the Mythical Mirror best when he once said, “I just believe that my best is yet to come!”

As each moment passes, you and I receive more knowledge and experience.  And, we can use these as two critical inputs to improve our reflection.  They can act as a foundation as well as building blocks.  They are advantages never before possessed.

Press your advantage forward.  If your experience reveals a slight flaw or weakness, receive the advantage of someone else’s knowledge and experience.  The world’s greatest performers have coaches or mentors to help them get to the next level.  You’ll be surprised at how your insurmountable challenges can easily become a new skills, simply by having someone of specialized experience and knowledge become your teacher.  They will transfer their knowledge and skill to you while keeping you encouraged and focused.

Keep your mind free by keeping it focused on what you’re doing right now.  The Mythical Mirror does not reflect what your future holds as long as you don’t believe it.  Self-fulfilling prophecies come true!  Keep your mind working to fulfill your belief that your best is yet to come and it will come!

It will come as you build from your foundational experiences.  It will come as you receive coaching and mentoring.  It will come by living every day, taking one step at a time.

Each step is a reflection of your belief.  When you look in the mirror, know that the image you see there is who you used to be.  It is not who you are yet to be.  Every reflection, in every mirror is not fixed!

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