Monday, April 28, 2014

Being Rich, Time and Opportunity

“Being rich means you live a life full of possibility.”
- Nikki

Being Rich, Time and Opportunity

As soon as we walked into the first house she pulled out a large yellow pad of paper and began to write meticulous notes.  We walked from room to room and her pen would fly across the page, leaving its blue ink in elaborate patterns that would allow her to remember the details of what she wanted to remember.  I can’t remember working with someone who took such care.

It was clear to me that she really cared about the time she was spending in each home.  She wanted to make every moment count.  And, she did.  By the end of our second tour together Nikki stood in the kitchen of the last house and said, “This has everything I’ve been looking for!”

Then she began to elaborate, “It has four bedrooms on one level and a laundry room right where it should be.”

Without knowing it, Nikki had discovered one of life’s greatest secrets, how to make life full of possibilities!  Here is her discovery:

In order to live a life of possibility one must understand the relationship between time and possibility.  If a person is so busy that they can’t think about what’s important to them they’ll have no hope for the future.  Nikki used her gift of time to envision important personal desires and to carefully analyze each detail of her dream.  Without proper use of time, her life would offer no possibility.  Time is what makes possibility possible.

Possibility reveals itself step by step.  It is impossible comprehend everything that is possible at one time.  Nikki instinctively began to take steps toward reaching her vision without know exactly how to move forward.  One step led to another and as she gathered more and more information it allowed her to take the next relevant step.  If you don’t take the first step, no other steps will follow.  Take one step at a time and soon you’ll find yourself walking into new possibility with each stride forward.

When Nikki’s next step required her to make a commitment in the form of writing an offer for a home she hesitated.  This is a common reaction when making a big decision.  Some people let their fear stop them from accepting additional possibility.  She hesitated and then recounted the steps she’d taken.  When she finished reviewing her journey there was no decision to be made.  She took the next step into possibility because she knew it was the right thing to do.  People who live a life full of possibility move forward in faith because they’re used to stepping past their fear into a brighter future.

A bright future isn’t solely conditioned upon money.  Rich is about life with possibility.  Nikki was able to find the right place well within her budget.  She knows that she can have the features she wants in her life if she focuses on what’s important to her.  Possibilities grow as an individual grows.  Being rich doesn’t mean you have a lot of money.  Being rich means you live a life full of possibility.

Living a life full of possibility also means that you understand that possibilities come and go.  Another buyer was also interested in the same house as Nikki.  She knew that if she didn’t write her offer at the right time that the possibility of owning that particular home could end.  A person must be ready to seize opportunities as they present themselves.  She also said, “I’ll do my best to get this home, but if I don’t get this one another opportunity will present itself.”

People who live a rich life know that opportunity is not fixed.  Opportunity is always tied to time in more than one way; using time to discover opportunity and using time to seize opportunity before it fades.  Time never ends, so opportunity never ends for those who understand it.

You can live a rich life by understanding the relationship between time and opportunity.  Follow the steps Nikki, discovered for yourself and see if your life becomes richer and full of more opportunity.  You’ll be glad you did.

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