Sunday, March 3, 2013

No Matter What

“I will be having a baby boy in about a month.  No matter what our financial situation looks like we couldn’t be happier.” – A Client

No Matter What

All of us have challenges in our lives.  I know when I’m in the middle staring down my challenges there are times when I forget to remember what I’m happy about!  So, when I was having a conversation with one of my clients her words acted as a light, refreshing rain on my mind.

We had just finished closing on the sale of one of her properties and I sent her a text message, “Congratulations, we have funded and recorded on your property.”   It was my desire to give her comfort.  She and her husband were forced to sell their home due to financial challenges.

The husband had been in a horrible traffic accident a few years ago and had been gravely injured.  He worked in construction so the physical damage didn’t allow him to get back to work for a couple of years.  When he did get back to work, it was only few months before he was injured again as a result of falling off of a roof.  Their financial crisis worsened.

When they had gone through all of their savings and could no longer pay for their home, they decided to put it on the market and sell it even though they owed more than its current market value.  They moved in with relatives and I negotiated with their two lenders so they would agree to allow the home to be sold.  The closing of their home was a huge financial relief.

They had been struggling for a few years and I knew they would continue to have some struggles even with their home being sold.  Accordingly, I wanted them to receive a congratulatory note so they would be able to feel the success of reaching another important mile stone in their financial recovery.  Her reply filled me with encouragement beyond my anticipation.

“Congratulations to you!  We know how hard you have worked for us.  By the way, I will be having a baby boy in about a month.  No matter what our financial situation looks like we couldn’t be happier.”

Couldn’t be happier couldn’t be a better reminder to you and me.  Even though there will be challenges to face almost every day of our lives, there will still be beautiful and exciting events that will offer us encouragement and joy if we will simply accept the good and see it for what it is; no matter what.

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