Monday, November 4, 2019


“We’re getting ready to update our kitchen and it’s so much fun!” Lennika Wright


Five of us were sitting at Good Wood in celebration.  We had many things to be grateful for, friendship, shelter, good jobs, and I could go on.  Our time together was going along pretty much, just as planned.  As our fête continued through food and conversation, my friends stimulated pattern of changed thinking.

“We’re getting ready to update our kitchen and it’s so much fun!”  Lennika said to our group.

“We got a new refrigerator and we’ll be getting new countertops soon!”  Tawny commented as a follow-on.

“We’ve been in our home for about a year and there are so many things we want to do.  But, there are so many decisions!”  Lennika continued.

I looked at the two younger couples at the table with me.   Just being with them seemed to channel unfound inspiration as I listened to their hopes and dreams.

“They’re revealing a list of missing treasures!”  I thought to myself.

Many of us have the tendency to go through such lists of unfound treasures as if not having obtained them yet leaves a large hole within.  And, that’s not what we were celebrating on this particular Friday evening.  We were really talking about the nature of Anticipatory Change.

Lennika, Tawny, John and Adam were writing a script of the evolutionary character of Anticipatory Change

“Sometimes I just sit and start at my kitchen, hoping to figure out what I want to do!”  Lennika disclosed.  “Sometimes I feel silly about it!”

“You know,” I said, “I recently updated the bunkroom in my house.  I’d been doing the same type of staring for twenty-two years!  I couldn’t quite see a solution for how to build new top-bunk access through the closet without losing hanging rod for clothes.  Then, one day, the solution hit me, as if, right in the face.  I could simply move the rod’s position ninety-degrees!  Not only would it solve a potential clash with new stairs, it would also increase the hanging space, in the closet, by about thirty percent! After I figured it out, it was like moment of, Duh!

One of the keys to living a life filled with successful Anticipatory Change is to grasp the centralistic nature of time in the process.  Once a person can marry passage of time with desired change, one can completely give up a feeling of loss, missing treasure, in favor of excitement. Or, the thrill of the chase.  I call it a feeling of “Remagine.”

Lennika Wright, Tawny Vanduzer, Adam Clayton, John Wright and were sitting at a dinner table in a complete state of Remagine.  We had many things to look forward to, friendship, shelter, good jobs, and reimaging our lives. I could go on.  Our time together was going along pretty much, just as planned.  As our fête continued through conversation, my friends stimulated changed thinking that allowed all of us to cherish a new found feeling of Remagine!

Could living a life focused on anticipatory change give you a feeling of Remagine?

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