Monday, February 18, 2019

Covered in Tar

“Give yourself the space and opportunity to grow into who you’re becoming!” – Chris Leader

Covered in Tar

The little fourteen-year-old dog jumped straight up on to the seat of the bar stool next to me.

“I can’t believe he can still jump like that!” I exclaimed.

This small, curly, bronze colored cutie still has spunk!  I looked into his aging eyes, as we sat next to each other.  Clouds were starting to gather over the lenses of his eyes.  But, other than that I was hard-pressed to notice any other effects of his venerable age.

“He showed up at our door step when he was about three-years-old.”  Jamie replied.

“He was covered in what looked like tar!  His whole body was saturated in it.”  Burk continued.

“His hair was all matted and his neck was growing around his collar!”  Jamie continued.

Burke and Jamie Castleton are wonderful people!  I sat looking at their little friend.  He was happy, well cared for and healthy.  Yet, it had taken him time to get there and this one thought had barely entered my mind when another thought tagged it.

“Give yourself the space and opportunity to grow into who you’re becoming!”  I could hear my Chris Leader, my coach, say to me once again.

This loving, beautiful dog was a living example of what Chris was attempting to convey to me.  And, the lesson was taken from my mind directly into my heart, in the form of the small, delightful little creature, sitting next to me at this very moment.  Chris’ message was now real!  It had taken form and presence.  Here’s what a little dog taught me about the “Principal of Becoming.”

First, life can be harsh on all of us.  Others can treat us poorly and we all live with the consequences of our own learning decisions.  I say learning decisions because it can be argued that our purpose in living is simple, to learn what we need to learn, so we can become better than we are now, at every stage.  Accepting and understanding this one principal, solely, will change one’s vision of living completely. It will also transform the experience of living for everyone who embraces it.

Second, when it appears as if everyone in the world is evil and doing malicious things to us, that “we don’t deserve,” it simply isn’t the truth.  Yes.  There are people in our world that do say and do bad things to those around them.  And, there are wonderful people, like Burke and Jamie Castleton, who are standing by to rescue, heal and love us.  There are indeed angels living amongst us!

Third, the amount of time we spend suffering is up to us. Once we choose to leave the bad behind and become open to receive love from others, guardian angels will come to our aid.  We simply have to be open to receive them along with their good works.

Finally, all we need to do in return is to love our rescuing angels without reservation.

The little fourteen-year-old dog jumped straight up on to the seat of the bar stool next to me.

“I can’t believe he can still jump like that!” I exclaimed.

This small, curly, bronze colored cutie still has spunk!  I looked into his aging eyes as we sat next to each other.  Clouds were starting to gather over the lenses of his eyes.  But, other than that I was hard pressed to notice other effects of his venerable age.

Oh, my! I almost forgot!  I did see one other thing in his eyes.  Love!

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