Monday, November 19, 2018

A Hidden Heroes Sky

My friends Brad & Robyn Bertoch and her brother’s friends

A Hidden Heroes Sky

It was a dark, crisp, autumn night and when our car rolled to a stop we got out.  I stood and stretched while extending my neck directly back.  Moving my neck felt great.  And, the view of the bright stars, thickly strewed across the night sky felt even better.  I took a deep breath and allowed the clean, refreshing air to fully expand my lungs.  I remember thinking, at the time, “it was worth the hour and a half drive up here just for this!”  That was the beginning of an evening that was also worth the drive for many, additional reasons.

We were there to spend time with dear friends, Brad and Robyn Bertoch.  You know how it is, as soon as we walked into their cozy, mountain home, saw the dancing fire waving its welcome, and greeted each other with a hug, we all knew that we don’t get together near enough.  Then, when we sat down to enjoy, perhaps and arguably, the best meal we’ve ever eaten, we were treated to the story of how hidden heroes had worked and combined their love to save the life of her brother.

I say hidden, but the truth is that they are regular, common people, just like you and me.  The kind we all know and see on a daily basis.  In this case they are a caring sister and her brother’s lifelong friends who collectively acted bravely and decisively to help one person they all love, Marshall.

Marshall has been battling health challenges for the past few years.  At first, there was hope that he would be able to get well enough to work again, and he was making good progress up until he took a sudden turn for the worse.  He is a fighter though, and was still living independently in a family home.  As time wore on, Brad and Robyn became worried about his ability to thrive and even stay alive, so they began to counsel with him to move into assisted living.  Unfortunately, they made no progress on their own.  So, they called in the troops!

Marshall and Robyn had grown up in a Holladay neighborhood with other friends who had stayed in touch from childhood.  As soon as Robyn called, they came back to the old neighborhood and sat down with Marshall.

“They made more progress with him in a few minutes than we had made for more than a year!  Then, they found him the right assisted living home and moved him in.  It was all complete within two or three days.  He is so lucky to have such amazing friends!”  Robyn said.

“And to have such a caring, insightful sister!”  I said, as we were near departure well into the night.

It was still a dark, crisp, autumn night when we walked out of their home.  And, now the night didn’t seem so dark!  Genuine love always chases darkness away.  Sadly, it was time for us to leave.  When at our car, I stood and stretched while extending my neck directly back.  Moving my neck felt great.  And, the view of the bright stars, thickly strewed across the night sky felt even better, and more like a picture of all the hidden heroes covering our world, chasing sadness and loneliness away from our lives.  I took a deep breath and allowed the clean, refreshing air to fully expand my lungs.  That’s when I remember thinking, it was worth the hour and a half drive up here just to have Robyn and Brad reveal that picture, the hidden heroes sky to me!

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