Monday, July 11, 2016

Yet, Here You Are

Thirty extra years of walking

Yet, Here You Are

She was younger than I.  She was smarter too; well, she’s an expert in the treatment of Osteoarthritis.   That was why I was there.  I needed her help.  So I expected to sit and listen to what she was telling me.  I didn’t expect her to say something that would cause my mind to churn and reflect again and again.

“Thirty years ago my orthopedic surgeon told me that if I didn’t stop running I wouldn’t be able to walk by the time I was thirty.”  I told her as she gathered background as part of my examination.

“Yet, her you are!” She replied with bright eyes and a smile.

I stopped and contemplated what she said!  Her words shifted my thoughts from a focus on pain and difficulty to something else.  It wasn’t an instant change for sure.  It was more akin to looking to the eastern sky as the sun starts its ascent.

First, there’s a brightening, a glow rising from a persistent darkness.  Then, a golden semicircle begins to act as the mountain’s halo.  Finally, in a seemingly, almost instant, it explodes into a full shining saucer.  That’s it!

My mind was fully encircled by a peaceful sense of gratitude.  Just because one person pointed out what should have been the obvious to me, I was able to see how lucky I was.  I came in with the belief that I was really struggling.  I left with the knowledge of how grateful I am to still be able to walk.  Now, here is the talk with the walk.

Every one of us will be overwhelmed with feelings of struggle many times during our lives.  The struggles may be mental, physical or financial.  And, we may go to an expert or trusted advisor to give us help or advice along the way.  Even the wise may tell us there is little or no hope on the horizon.  It may even be true.

But, it may not be true.  A lot of what will happen in the future will depend on our attitude, our point of view.  How many people do you know have beaten the odds?  Why shouldn’t you be one of them?  Think about it. 

Think about the simple things you have to be grateful for.  First, there’s a brightening, a glow rising from a persistent darkness.  Then, a golden semicircle begins to act as the mountain’s halo.  Finally, in a seemingly, almost instant, your gratitude will explode into a full shining saucer of joy.

Yes, here I am, still walking!

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