Monday, August 11, 2014

Casting Your Web

“It is the company we keep, the people around us, who will determine where we invest our energy.  The more we trust that the people to the left of us and the people to the right of us have our backs, the better equipped we are to face the constant threats from the outside together.” – Simon Sinek

Casting Your Web

The sun was hanging toward the Western sky.  It was bright and angled in a particular way.  And, that particular way allowed me to see something I had never seen before as I mowed my lawn.

My eyes caught the glimmer of thousands of shining strings stretching out across all the uncut grass.  The intricate pattern extended over acres of blades reaching toward the sun.  It was the perfect picture of network web casting.

One spider could not have possibly completed all of the strands I saw.  They were completed in one week’s time. 

When I cut the grass the webs disappeared.   But, the spiders that created them did not.  The strands, while appearing to be a network, were not the network.  They were simply the expression, evidence, of the work completed by the cooperative spiders.

Over the next few days I took a little bit of time each evening to watch for strands to reappear.  And they did!  The network was still in place casting its web so its expression continued. 

The hundreds of spiders living and working together in my lawn are tiny things; so tiny in fact they can’t be seen without getting down on hands and knees while carefully observing the spaces between blades of grass.  From one perspective they are so small as to be insignificant, unable to accomplish much at all.  But when viewed from the right perspective, when the sun is angled from the Western sky, the true extent of their ingenuity, individual significance and the majesty of their network are revealed.  They create a massive body of work that encompasses both beauty and function, something of significance!

You and I can learn from them.  Simon Sinek says, “It is the company we keep, the people around us, who will determine where we invest our energy.  The more we trust that the people to the left of us and the people to the right of us have our backs, the better equipped we are to face the constant threats from the outside together.”

He’s right!  There are times when you and I feel small, tiny, and as if we are so individually insignificant that we can’t make a difference.  But, if we will simply connect to like-purposed individuals we can accomplish impactful work that will encompass beauty, function and consequence.  Cast your web in cooperation with others today and find increased companionship, health, happiness and fulfillment.

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