Monday, August 26, 2013

Miracle Meeting

“I heard a voice calling my name and when I looked up, it was a doctor I knew from the United States!”

-Mark Heesen

Miracle Meeting

There are times when I feel as if I’m merely a speck of space dust floating through an infinite universe that isn’t even aware of my insignificant existence.  Have you ever felt the same?  If you have, then you’ll want to have the same feeling of reassured guardianship I felt when having a conversation at dinner just the other day.
I was invited to a business dinner by my friends from Wayne Brown Institute and Zions Bank.  It was held in a private room at a large round table that provided space for about twelve people.  It was a chance for us to have a conversation about the state of Angel and Venture Capital Investing with Mark Heessen, a nationally celebrated investment expert.

I didn’t know Mark personally before the dinner, so I was interested to get to know him during our time together.  As we were all talking, we became aware that Mark was getting ready to retire from his current position.  One member of our group asked what he was going to do upon his exit.  I think all of us were surprised by his answer.
“I’m going to take time to let myself get healthy.” He said.

When we probed for a little more information we were stirred by his extraordinary story.  He was in Ireland where he was invited to speak at a conference.  His wife was with him and after the conference was concluded they went on a tour of some of the interesting sites.  As they rode along bumpy roads he told his wife, “There is something just not right!  I don’t feel well.”
He told us that as the bus was making its way along the roads he was jostled a lot.  He thought that perhaps he was just getting sick from the ride.  When he could take no more, they ducked into a pub in a small out-of-the-way town to see if respite there would help him.  He got a drink and immediately began to feel worse.  He began to experience great pain and his discomfort became apparent to everyone in the pub.

“Ah, we see people like this all the time!  You’ve just had too much to drink.  You’ll be just fine.” The other patrons of the pub cheerfully said.
Mark knew he needed to get back to Dublin as soon as possible so he could get some assistance. He walked out of the pub and onto the sidewalk where he collapsed.  He was in a bad situation.  He was very ill and it was a Sunday.  Many hospitals are completely closed on Sunday in Ireland and he knew it.  He sat in a heap on the ground in an ill desperation.  But, his desperation was soon to yield.

A voice came to him and penetrated his pain and anxiety.  “Mark!”  He looked up; not believing anyone he knew could possibly be there in this out-of-his-way place.  He was looking into the face of a friend from the United States; a physician!
His friend scooped him up, found a hospital that was open, and got him the treatment he needed.  It enabled him to get home in comfortable safety after a few days.  It was a fortuitous, amazing turn of events. 

I sat in amazement myself as I listened to his riveting tale.  It made me realize that this and other seemingly random events that save and change our lives are neither random nor insignificant.  I’ve seen too many other similar events to come to any other conclusion.
So, when you are facing a personal challenge or tragedy please remember this fantastic story and know that you are a significant and important part of this world and universe.  There is an invisible hand in all of our lives that gives us individual aid and knowledge; often when we have come to the end of our personal resources.  You are not and never will be alone.

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