Monday, November 14, 2022

Keeping a Constant Stare

“Tennis balls and tasty morsels”

Keeping a Constant Stare

“What would he want more?”  That was the question that kept turning and turning.  It turned likes the wheels of a vehicle driving past.  The kind of wheels that a dog like Harry Pupper just can’t ignore.  They seem to have an otherworldly grip on him.  He just has to give chase.  He can’t help himself!  It doesn’t matter how many times he’s been told no for his own good.

“What would he want more?  What would have the ability to capture his attention with the same kind of power?”  Those are the two questions I asked myself continually over, a seven-year period; a sum of his whole life.  

After all, the sum of anyone’s life adds up to what they pay attention to; what has the power to keep a hold on their eye.  For Harry, there are two things that can keep his constant stare.

The first?  Tennis balls and a buddy to throw them.

For some reason Harry has always struggled with stairs.  He fears them.  Even after lots of practice going up and down stairs, he is so nervous, as be begins, that he fails to fully commit to the climb.  That causes him to stumble on most occasions.  And, when the stairs are slippery to little paws, because they’re finished in a glossy wood, he freezes.  Well, maybe that’s a bit dramatic.  Let’s just say he simply refuses to climb them.  Until he one-day-realized that his beloved tennis balls are in a room just past the top of those scary stairs.

Knowing his play-balls are slightly beyond that staircase isn’t enough alone to inspire his courage to climb.  It takes a special combination of tennis balls with a buddy, he knows will be willing to throw the balls for him to chase, to confirm his resolution.  When this special combination is in place, he’s able to keep a constant stare.

It is his change in personal focus, what he wants more, that gives him the courage to climb stairs without help or additional encouragement.

The second?  Tasty treat morsels combined with specific direction.

“Off the road.”  I say, when a vehicle approaches.  “Quiet.”

He knows the words and their meaning.  But, the words alone are not enough to capture his attention.  The passing wheels are too demanding!  It takes a special combination to hold his stare.

So, I say the words while reaching into my pocket to withdraw a tasty morsel.  Harry hears the sound of the rustling bag. His eyes focus on the movement of my hand.  He sits, quietly, with an intent stare, knowing.  All signs indicate that his desire will soon be fulfilled.  So, he lets the rolling, attention requesting wheels, to roll on past without a second thought.

Attention requesting, really demanding, wheels have the ability to roll over little dogs.  They have no mercy and do not yield. That means Harry’s life is a constant contest of competing desires.  As it is for you and me.  Successful living requires keeping a constant focus on the Harry Pupper inspired, two simple questions.

“What do you want more?”  And, “What has the ability to capture your attention with the same kind of power as those seemingly otherworldly enticements?”  Whatever they are.

These are powerful, life changing, questions that, when asked and answered concurrently, allow a little dog, and people, to fix their focus on what they really want in life; to keep a constant stare.

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