Monday, June 20, 2022


“Find something that will allow you to spend individual time with them.” – Judy Jacks


“It’s your biggest opportunity to make a positive impact on the world.”  Judy Jacks said.

Then she went on to handover some of her best strategies, best research, best tactics for making the largest impact possible as she stood in my office.  She had been invited to come.  But, not for this reason.

Judy isn’t a world-renowned expert in personal or business relations.  She isn’t a famous strategist.  She isn’t even a personal coach.  She’s a great grandmother.

A continuing desire to be a great, very good, grandmother and grandfather was reason enough for Judy and Jerry Jacks to recently change their entire life by moving across the United States to another state and community.  They did so because all of their children were grown and had left the state in which they had lived for more than forty years.

“I was spending a lot of time talking with my grand and great grandchildren through video calls.  It was wonderful, but it wasn’t enough! In order to make an impact you have to find something that will allow you to spend personal, individual time with them in the flesh!”

She went on to say that it’s the only way to have the biggest impact possible.

“It isn’t enough to have them run up to greet you and then have them run off to play.  You need to have one-on-one interaction and explore what they’re doing now, as well as their hopes and dreams.”  Then she unveiled, what I call, Judy’s Four Steps for Impact.

Provide.  It is essential to understand each child’s strengths and weaknesses.  Then you need to provide them with everything they need to feel secure in their abilities.

Teach.  Personal security only comes and grows one day at a time.  As your loved-one faces challenges there will be times when they no longer feel secure.  Teaching them to expect this is essential.  Then you need to be there with them with continued teaching.  Show them they can depend on you, always.

Spend Time.  Even though you can’t be there with them all of the time, you can be there for them on a regular basis.  Having a set tradition helps with this.  Judy likes to have small traditions, such as “Perfect Pizza Night.”  That’s a time when she has a grandchild, who loves to cook, join her in the kitchen every first Sunday each month.  On this day, they craft home-made pizzas.  Most of all, they talk.  She supports.  She listens.  She teaches.  She loves.

Allow them to face “teaching” hardships.  Hardships can be life’s greatest teaching moments.  But, only if you allow people the opportunity to struggle.  Be there for them.  Let them know you love them.  Show them you have faith in their ability to overcome.  Starting on this path at their earliest age is like letting them build, one block at a time.  Soon they’ll have created a fortress of personal strength and character.

“It’s your biggest opportunity to make a positive impact on the world.”  Judy Jacks said.

Then she went on to handover some of her best strategies, best research, best tactics for making the largest impact possible as she stood in my office.  She had been invited to come.  But, not for this reason.

No.  She had come to make an impact!

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