Monday, July 16, 2018

Keeping Your Cool

“It’s not usually a big issue, but a combination of a couple of small things that cause a problem.”  - Gary Christensen

Keeping Your Cool

One bead of moisture began to be pulled by gravity toward the ground.  I felt it gather and begin its slide down the side of my face.

“I guess I am a little warm.”  I thought with a sense of uncertainty.

Such uncertainty from discomfort was unusual, because it was about nine-thirty in the evening.  The sun was hiding behind the Stansbury Mountains and my family room should have been filled with cool, conditioned air.  I got up to look at the thermostat, flipped on a light and stared at the temperature, eighty-one degrees!  Forced air was coming from the vents, but it wasn’t cool, so I turned it off and contemplated a costly problem.  Luckily, I knew who to call first thing in the morning.

My friend Gary Christensen is a heating and air conditioning expert.  I touched his number and a few minutes later his van was pulling into my drive.  He had my compressor open, hooked up to his diagnostic tools, cleaned and operating perfectly before eight-thirty in that morning.

“It’s running well now!” he said.

“It’s past its expected life span, so I thought I’d need a new one!”  I replied.

“No.  It’s running well.  Here’s the thing.  It’s not usually a big issue, but a combination of a couple of small things that cause a problem.”  Gary taught as we listened to the whirring of the compressor’s heat exhaust fan.  “If you pay attention to three small details everything will run well most of the time.” 

Here is Gary’s advice about how to keep your house and yourself cool.  Keep your internal filters clean.  Make sure to keep external clutter away.  Maintain good air flow from the outside in.

Gary says, “You don’t need to spend a lot of money on expensive filters.  Just buy good quality that doesn’t restrict the air flow too much.”  Life is a lot more fun when you and I don’t decide to make it too make it more restrictive than it needs to be.  My friend Dianne Merrill says, “Try to say yes as much as possible!  Nobody likes to hear no all the time!”  So, say yes as much as possible.

Say yes, when it comes to getting rid of clutter in life.  Ask, will adding this cause me to stop paying attention to what is really important to me?  Just because you and I like to say yes, doesn’t mean we don’t know how to say no when needed.  Maintaining space to “breathe” is critical to happiness.

Relationships are the breath of life!  Gary would call this, maintaining good air flow from the outside in.  Surrounding yourself with good people willing to reciprocate a fulfilling connection will always enhance quality of living.

My friend Gary Christensen knows all about heating & air conditioning and he’s also an expert when it comes to enhancing the quality of life.  I touched his number and a few minutes later he had opened my heart, hooked it up to his diagnostic tools, and taught me how to keep it cool before eight-thirty on that very morning.

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