Monday, July 10, 2017

A Natural Solution

"Don't let the age bother you.” - George Jedenoff

A Natural Solution
It was one amazing day!  The sky was bright blue and the jagged granite spires of Snowbird were punching holes through that colorful air.  But, the most amazing part of this particular day was the opportunity to gather and ski at Snowbird in July as part of the 100th birthday celebration for George Jedenoff! 

And, George would tell you that every day is amazing.  "Life is so short, even100 years on this Earth," he said during his centenary gathering. "Make every minute count."

Then he went on to teach a little more about math and the kind of counting you and I must do to mix up an exceptional life.

"Don't let the age bother you," he said. "Don't let the negative things in your life, of which we all have a lot, outweigh the all the positive blessings that you have."

With such a positive outlook on life one might come to the conclusion that George just doesn’t have any obstacles in his life, that he leads an enchanted life.  But, that isn’t true.  He’s been married to his wife for more than 74 years and he continues to help her through her ongoing health difficulties.

In speaking of such, George’s advice is to view life's obstacles as opportunities rather than problems.  And, he’s a great example of how to accomplish this. 

"It's hard to communicate with kids, and I’ve always found that riding a chairlift is a great time to connect because you have that uninterrupted time," George explained.

He believes that finding the right connection is the real key to successful living.  And, George’s life reveals how it works. He has an unusual ability to combine love and gratitude as a means to overcome life’s obstacles.  He lives by focusing on the activities and people he loves.  Then he mixes them together as a natural solution.

George’s mix was all right there!  Natural beauty, friends, family, gratitude and love, but who’s counting? 

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