Monday, October 24, 2016

The Experts Say

“The minute you begin to believe you’re an expert, is the minute you get knocked down!” 
– Bruce Dunning

The Experts Say

It was early in the morning.  I was doing yoga; stretching as part of my daily “get ready” routine while also listening to another “expert” telling the world that more bad was going to happen.  At this time, on this show, he seemed to be making a lot of sense.  I began to slow down and deepen my stretches so I could listen more attentively.  I listened until the show ended and I finished my yoga, then I moved on to the rest of the day in front of me.

As the day progressed, the words of the expert continued to tickle my ears.  I had made a mental note of the title of his latest book and when I needed a small mental diversion, my fingers tapped lightly on my computer’s keypad so I could peruse my favorite on-line book distributor’s reviews.

The reviews were plentiful and enlightening.  This was neither his first book, nor was it his first round of prognostication.  His readers said it all.  “Great expectations, poor track record!”  “Loved the book and some of what he predicted came to pass.”  I decided to take a pass myself.  I didn’t order the book.

“There is a certain order to the world.”  Bruce Dunning was saying to me.  Bruce is, perhaps, the best negotiator I have ever met or worked with.  He was coaching, and working with me to finish the last of my class work so I could complete the requirements for a designation known as “Master Certified Negotiation Expert.”  (Ha!  Another expert born!) Then he followed that statement up with, “The minute you begin to believe you’re an expert, is the minute you get knocked down!”

My mind raced back to the book writer, the “expert on the world’s economy and future.”  He was right and he was wrong.  Just like you and me!  No one is always right, even if they are designated as an expert.  Sue reminds me of that on a regular basis, especially when I get all riled up about what “the experts” are saying.

She says, “I prefer to have a more positive view of the world!”

So, when you and I are worried about what the experts are saying all around us, perhaps we could remember what Thomas Jefferson said? “Trust the people.  The people will get it right!”

That doesn’t mean there won’t be mistakes.  It doesn’t mean things will go smoothly and not get messy.  Could it mean that you and I, regular people, will do some things right and then feel real good about ourselves until the universe reminds us of how small we really are?

Yes.  We’re small. One small piece of something magnificent!

This one small piece drove home on another day last week.  It had been a particularly long and difficult day until I turned into my driveway.  At that moment, the beauty of the green grass, combined with the sky, and was punctuated by sublime mountain peaks!  It all took my breath away!

Since I had little breath, I whispered to myself, “No matter what the experts say, this world is one beautiful place and I’m glad to be just one small part of it for one small amount of time!”

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