Monday, May 18, 2015

An Airplane Crashing

“A dream”

An Airplane Crashing
I was sitting on a jet when all of a sudden the front of the craft angled toward the earth in dramatic fashion.  We were in a steep dive!  I could see no way we would be able to land without everyone on board being killed.  But, at the last minute a miracle occurred.

The plane almost instantly righted itself and the plane swooped onto a major street in a large city.  It was virtually undamaged and the passengers all began to exit.

Upon exit we could see that large, tall buildings surrounded us on all sides.  A quick, visual scan made it clear that we would never be able to take off on the plane again.  The road upon which we had landed was too short to use as a runway and the streets leaving our position we far too short to accommodate the width of the wings.  We were stuck!

Even though we were stuck, we were alive.  It was a great feeling to have landed; yet I vividly remember the feeling of fear that gripped my heart as I realized I was stranded in a strange city with no visible escape.  But, the fear didn’t last very long because I began to see we had many alternatives.

Alternatives soon began to reveal themselves as city residents approached survivors.  As they appeared, it was clear that they dressed and acted differently.  That revelation was a little unsettling, but as we began to interact, we found them to be kind and helpful.  As we worked together, more alternatives were opened until we got to another airport and were able to continue our journey.   But, my journey ended because I awoke.

While that journey had ended, my life journey is still in progress and I couldn’t help but notice some similarities with this dramatic dream.  I think you’ll see some similarities in your journey as well if you’ll accept a moment of contemplation.

These days there are those who tell us we are all headed toward disaster.  I can see many signs all around that would lead me to the same conclusion.  People who hold different beliefs and live their lives in a strangely different manner surround us.  There are many times when we feel as if we live in an exotic and bizarre place, though we haven’t moved.  A quick and visual scan of our surroundings would lead us to believe that there is no escape from catastrophe. 

But there is!

First, the similarities we have with the strangers around us are greater in number that our differences.  If we will take the time to learn to communicate with them, in their language, we’ll find that to be true.  My experience is that we are often saying the same things.  We simply use a slightly different language.  Adapting to a stranger’s language automatically bridges a chasm and creates a relationship of trust all by itself.

Second, reach out in kindness and care.  No one cares about your core values and beliefs unless they know you care for them first.  My friend Richard Ure once said, “It doesn’t matter what they need or when they need it.  I’ll do what ever it takes to help them.”  I’ve found Richard to be a friend in the real sense of the word.  He is more than an acquaintance to those he calls friend.

Third, let everyone around you know they’re safe with you.  Allow people to come to you and express their hopes, dreams, failures and fears.  When they know you’ll sit and listen your relationship will transform.  Most people will come to their own rescue if they have someone who will be there with and for them.  Be that person.

Finally, when we change ourselves by communicating with others in their language, reach out in kindness & care and allow people to feel safe with us, our lives will soar into a bright and exciting future.

I am convinced that this bright future will be revealed to us as we walk this path and we’ll see miracles follow.  I hope you’ll help me to ingrain these characteristics into my own personality and character because none of us want to be trapped on an airplane doomed to crash.

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