Monday, May 18, 2009

A Life of Miracles

“I’ve made it a habit to write down all of the miracles that have happened in my life.”
- David Remington

Are Miracles Happening in Your Life?

My friend Rochelle was impossible for me to talk with two Saturday evenings ago. It was making me feel anxious because we had talked earlier in the day several times. I thought it a little bit odd, since she was expecting my call and I knew she wanted to meet with me.

Late in the evening I finally gave up calling. I was tired from a long day of work and I knew that another day would soon be upon us.

As it turns out I didn’t catch up with Rochelle until Monday. I was glad to be able to talk with her because my little internal voice just wouldn’t accept that everything we alright. My little voice was right.

Rochelle began our conversation apologizing to me. “I’m sorry I wasn’t available Saturday night,” she said. “But, my daughter was hit by a drunk driver so I had to be with her in the hospital.”

I held my small telephone limply by my ear. I couldn’t believe the words I was hearing! A whirlwind of thoughts swept through my mind, but one was harsh. I was ashamed to hear her say she was sorry because of the situation. I should have been the one apologizing to her.

I wished I could have somehow been able to stop the accident. I wanted to make things alright.
Yet, all I could do at this point was to ask if her daughter was o.k. I waited for the answer with hopeful anticipation. I waited for words I was afraid would never come.

“Yes. She’s o.k.” Rochelle said in a grateful tone.

“She was walking with two friends when a car hit them from behind.” Rochelle continued on to tell me that her daughter’s two friends we “grazed” by the car and were largely unaffected. The two were in shock still and couldn’t remember what had happened.

Her daughter received the brunt of the collision though. Her body was hurled straight up into the air and had landed in the windshield, only to be cast aside into the rocks and weeds below.
One would have expected the driver to stop and offer assistance. But the driver simply continued on; weaving and frightfully endangering everything in his path.

Others stopped to help. Since the accident wasn’t far from the hospital additional help arrived quickly and all three girls were scooped up to safety and examination within minutes. And this is where the first discovery of a miracle occurred.

Rochelle’s daughter, though savagely assaulted, had cuts, bruises, road rash and surprisingly no broken bones! What could have been a life ending episode was now looming large as a modern day miracle! And, the miracle didn’t end there.

As the driver continued on down the road, another person, not aware of the accident, noticed the erratic driving. So, worrying about danger this driver not only called 911, they followed this drunk driver home and parked in front of the driveway so he couldn’t go anywhere else until police arrived! Who says that people “don’t care?”

People do care and the world is full of wonderful people offering help and comfort all around us. If you doubt it just take some time to talk with your friends.

I was doing just that the day after this accident and its associate miracles, before I knew they had happened, with my friend David Remington. I was mesmerized by every word he spoke as he recounted a large portion of his life. After about an hour of an exquisite tale he said, “I’ve made it a habit to write down all of the miracles that have happened in my life. Wow! It is a huge list,” he said.

Those words seemed to hit me between the eyes to drive a wedge into my mind. “Do we really live in a time of miracles?” I asked myself.

Yes was the answer!

And my answer was just beginning to be revealed. I had no idea that Rochelle would be answering that question in a striking revelation the very next day.

So, now I’ve taken a step into the unknown. Now my eyes have been opened and I am having a wonderful time. Other friends have begun to share personal miracles with me and I am devouring every word of every amazing story.

And, I’m taking Dave’s example to heart, I’m beginning to write a list of my own life’s miracles so they somehow don’t disappear with the other fleeting seconds of my being. It feels good. It feels, real good!

Have you had miracles small and large in your life’s experience? I think you might! If you want to feel real hope; if you want to feel a sense of wonder; if you want to feel part of the miracle of life, do something great for yourself. Write down a list of all the miracles that have occurred during the story of your life.

And, if you want to share please share your experiences with me. I am your eager audience! I hope miracles never cease in your life. You deserve to be amazed, so go live a life of miracles!

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