Monday, September 29, 2014

A Miracle in the Making

“Hey trouble maker!”
- Annie Butterfield

A Miracle in the Making

We have a new addition to our household!  His name is Merlin.  My daughter Annie has been searching for the right dog to bring home for a long time.  She was thrilled when she finally found him and that’s when I had “the conversation” with her.

The conversation goes something like this:  “You know that this is your dog and you will be responsible to take care of him.” I said.

“I know.” Was her reply.

As you know, saying you know, before you have experience simply means you don’t have the experience to really know!  Really knowing can only come from experience.  And, responsibility-based relationship experience also provides at least two intertwined life-changers.

Annie brought her little puppy home and I wondered how she would feel about him when she had to begin performing her first life-changer, personal service.  That is, she has to clean up his messes, take him out in the middle of the night, feed and groom him, etc.   In this instance, I was thrilled as I was talking with her today and heard her say, “Isn’t he is the cutest thing ever?”  And, that leads me the second life changer.

In less than two weeks Annie also said, “You’ll never break my heart will you Merlin?” Responsibility-based relationship experience causes us to experience the deepest kind of love a person can possess.  You and I have seen many examples of this, but one of the most touching example from my own life is that of Evan Hansen and his wife.

Evan was a senior chemist at a large company on the East Coast with a thriving career when his wife was diagnosed with a horrible, debilitating disease.  When they received the news, he made the decision to quit his job and move to Richfield, UT so their cost of living would be reduced to the point where he could spend the bulk of his time caring for her.  When they arrived he was able to secure a job that would enable them to live humbly and care for her at the same time.  This job turned into the avenue that would allow us to be introduced.

On multiple business-related lunch or dinner occasions I had the great fortune to sit at the same table as Evan and his wife, where I observed the exact same ritual between them.  Their food would arrive at the table and Evan would push his food aside and scoot his chair up close to his sweetheart’s wheel chair so he could feed her.  You see, she no longer had the use of her arms and hands and she could no longer speak.  So, he would gently use her utensils to painstakingly feed her one spoonful or forkful at a time until she was full.  He would never eat his own food until she was finished.  It is the greatest demonstration of devoted love I have ever witnessed!

Now I am witnessing the same type of miracle all over again as I watch Annie take care of her little puppy.  Her love for him grows deeper with each act of service she provides for him.  It is a miracle in the making.

Every one of us can experience the joy that comes from responsibility-based love.  Would you like to be a miracle in the making?

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