Monday, October 6, 2014

Why will you Find Success?

“Let me tell you why I got involved.”
Shawn Milne

Why will you Find Success?

There are always turning points in life, moments when a current path is forever altered.  These are often defining moments that change who we think we are and often cause us to become more then we ever dreamed we could become.  I’ve found that most of the time a person can think back on their life and identify the exact moment of such a junction.  Doing so enables a person to learn perhaps the most important part of change.  Why.

Knowing why you’re on the path you’re on makes all of the difference.  And, I’ve generally observed that the why has to be something other than simple financial gain.  The most powerful whys have to do with connecting to something bigger than a person is, something that defines a purpose for a person’s life.

I was reminded of this as I completed a meeting and was taking about it as I walked out with my friend Shawn Milne.  He said, “Have I ever told you why I ran for office?”

I shook my head no and he continued.  “I had a problem in my neighborhood and the county wouldn’t help me.  So, I began to organize my neighbors and attend planning commission meetings.  I became so frustrated with what was happening that after months and months I decided I had to do something to make more of a difference.  I ran for office.”

I know there are things that have been difficult for him, as he has held public office.  But, his commitment to improve the lives of the members of our community has enabled him to continue his efforts.  I’ve seen the same thing with my friend Brad Bertoch.

Thirty years ago Brad began to work to “improve the human condition” by developing a not-for-profit company focused on assisting technology entrepreneurs to raise needed investment capital.  I’ve worked with him for the last twenty-four years and have seen him put all his heart into this effort.  If he didn’t deeply feel the why he was doing this, he would have given up long ago and our community would have forgone thousands of jobs and more than $1.5 billion dollars of investment.  Thank goodness he discovered his why.

Discovering your why will change your life in many ways.  It will sustain you when you have difficulties in business as well as your personal life.  Take time to discover what you really want to accomplish with your life, how you want to make a difference, so it can lead and sustain you through inevitable challenges on the way to your success.  It will do for you what it has done for the most successful people I know.  Why will you find success?

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