Sunday, April 14, 2013

Instant Change

“The water heater needs to be replaced so we’ll replace it with the best water heater available.”

-      Ben Michel

Instant Change

I had been in the midst of hard negotiations on a transaction for several days and this particular morning found me beginning to tire from the rigid, unrealistic position of the other party and their agent.  It was a Monday morning and the first call of the day was another volley and another impasse.  I can remember thinking to myself, “Oh, I just want these difficult people to go away!”

As soon as this thought finished its flow across my mind I was roused by the sudden tinkling of my phone.  “Now what bad news am I going to hear?” was the phrase that blasted across my mind as an instant reaction.  I took a deep breath and answered the phone.

But there was a friendly voice reaching my ears.  When I heard the kindly tones, my body began to relax.  It was a welcome relief.  And, there was more relief coming my way as Ben continued.

“Hey Lynn, I received the inspection report and repair request you sent over yesterday.  I looked it over and then went to the house and the inspector is right.  The water heater needs to be replaced so we’ll replace it with the best water heater available.  I know that’s all you asked for, but I also went through the rest of the inspection report and decided to fix the other items as well.  They’re all small and it we’d like the home to be as nice as possible for your Clients when they move in.”

I could hardly speak, but uttered slowly, at first in surprise, and then gave a hearty, “I’ll let my Client know! Thank you for your generosity!”

My heart was calm and full of gratitude when the call ended.  I felt refreshed and encouraged again.  At the beginning of a very difficult day, one person, someone who has a fair, kind heart, someone who was willing to go above and beyond what was asked changed my whole day and outlook.  I was impressed by the quickness of the change that came inside of me.

I also made a commitment to myself to give more than what is required or asked, because I had been changed by Ben and his goodness in an instant.  You can make the same commitment.  Change the world in an instant through generosity and kindness.  It will change more than just your own life.



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