Sunday, September 30, 2012

What's on Your Drawing Board?

“Oh, it will happen!”

- Danny Marz

What’s on Your Drawing Board?

I was standing in a large room, filled with people.  I didn’t know most of them.  There were only a handful of these successful people I knew.  But, that’s why I was there!  I wanted to rub shoulders with as many of them as I could.  I wanted to listen to the way they thought; learn about their experiences and absorb knowledge about the way they do things.  So, I didn’t stand longer than it took me to get my bearings and begin to move toward a corner of the room where three of my friends were waiting for me.
As I walked toward their table my eyes were scanning the room for one particular person.  He was this year’s non-profit company entrepreneur of the year.  Ernst and Young had given him the award in the early months of this year and I had promised to introduce another friend of mine to him.  I saw him and made a mental note of where he was standing so I could return.  And, it wasn’t long before I reached my three other friends and greeted them.

I was excited to grab Danny’s hand and shake it when I got to his table.  It was then I said, “Walk with me so I can introduce you.”
He knew exactly who I was speaking of and his excitement grew as we approached the location of my mentally marked friend.  Our timing was perfect.  He was alone and I made the introduction.

Danny said, “May I call you?  I have a dream I want to reach and I’d like to pick your brain to see if you could help me avoid some pit-falls.”
He replied with, “Sure, I’d love to help you.  Lynn can give you my phone number.  I really hope you can make what you described happen.”

“Oh, it will happen!  It’s on my drawing board and once things are there they happen for sure!”
I stood in wonder at his words.  It was as if I heard them over and over again in my mind and I thought, “Danny has discovered an important principle!  It isn’t enough just to dream of a great future, one must conceive it, plan it out in great detail and then go out and take the steps necessary to complete the dream!”  I felt honored to be there and participate in completing one more step in the creation of his dream.

The human mind lives to make its dreams a reality.  Yours is no different!  You have everything you need to make your dreams a reality so put them on your drawing board and live your dreams.  In the end I hope you can say in amazement, “What do you do when you real life exceeds your wildest dreams!”



Sunday, September 23, 2012

Doubt Not and Believe in Yourself

Circumstance does not make the man, it reveals him to himself.

- Allen James

Doubt Not and Believe in Yourself

The world we live in can be filled with tragedy.  I was reminded of this over this entire week as my family dealt with the death of a loved one.  This particular tragedy was not unexpected.  We all knew it was coming and we did everything we could to plan for an easing of the way.  Still, even with all of our preparation, the finality of death takes its measure.
In a particularly difficult moment, I sat talking with my daughter Annie about personal power and what it means to possess power as we reasoned about the feeling of loss we shared.  I put my arm around her and felt her tear stained cheek against mine.  It was a time when all possible feelings of power seemed to be lost in the mist of emotional fog accompanying a terrible storm.  In fact, this moment took me back to a time when I was very young, on a day when the winds were howling from the mountains to the East. 

The wind hurled down the canyons with speeds toping seventy miles per hour.  I could feel the power of the wind and it made me feel alive and strong inside.  I wanted to incorporate that power into my being.  So, I unzipped my coat and leaving my arms in the sleeves reached down to the right and left corners of the fabric and hoisted it above my head as if it were a sail.  As soon as I did so, the wind seized its opportunity to answer my foolishness by making me nothing more than a piece of flying debris.  But I wasn’t only debris.  I learned two important lessons from this youthful storm experience.
First, I was more than just another piece of mindless debris.  I quickly saw my folly and released the sail so I could lie safely on the ground.  I was able to use my mind to regain control of my actions regardless of what was happening in a turbulent world.  What happens in the world outside of me does not need to control what happens within my inner world.

Second, my individual actions make an impact on what happens in the world outside of me.  External circumstances do not remove personal power.  Being human means having power; specifically, the power to accomplish whatever we want.  We only lose personal power by choosing to relinquish it.
I know you will face storms throughout your life.  I have.  But, one of the blessings of age is that experience has shown me that if I will use my mind and heart to control my own actions I will be able to impact the results I achieve.  Circumstances haven’t made me who I am or who I’ll become.  They simply reveal character.  You have the power to determine what kind of life you’ll live, how you’ll live it, and how you’ll react to the storms that swirl around you.  Doubt not, believe in yourself, and use your heart and mind to accomplish whatever you want.


Sunday, September 16, 2012

Rockin' Good

9/11 Charity Golf Tournament and Concert

Rockin’ Good

Once in a while I run into to someone who redefines what “possible” means.  When I do meet such a person I’m forced me reevaluate my own beliefs.  My mind is stretched and my personal reality is shifted in a profound way.  Such people create a sort of emotional or spiritual sense of certainty as to what is possible.   And, when they change my perspective they not only alter my experience, they can also change the world in an exponential way.  I saw this process culminate first hand this week as my friend Danny Marz executed the first annual 9/11Charity Golf Tournament and Concert.
I watched Danny plan and work to put this event together over the past few months.  He said, “I want to do something to benefit our soldiers who have been wounded while protecting our freedom.”

He developed a relationship with Operating Rebound so he would have a vehicle to provide the help he wanted to give and then he began to reach out to others to help.  He personally went door to door contacting businesses seeking sponsors.  He called music and sports celebrities asking them to come so they would be an additional draw to attendance.  He hired and scheduled the venue.  He selected a headline band to come and play.  Then he backed up the venue with three different warm up bands.  He recruited volunteers to help manage the event on September 11th.   Finally, he partnered with a major radio station to market this important charitable event.
When I arrived to volunteer I was amazed to see the number of volunteers I knew.  It was wonderful to see the celebrities who were there to give.  It was heartwarming to see the crowds of people who were there to give money and their time to such a worthy cause.

Danny made sure that his cause was leveraged by more than 1000 as a result of his vision.  Participants were emotionally and spiritually engaged and the world was changed immeasurably.  I know my life was and everyone I talked with is excited to work together again next year.
I saw Danny again today.  We’re going to participate in an additional charitable event hosted by another friend of ours this week.  Until I began to associate with such good and giving people I had no idea that so much good could be accomplished.   I thought I understood the description of a mathematical entity that involves the transcendental number raised to an exponent, the concept of becoming greater in size, until I saw what adding numbers of good people simultaneously could accomplish.

I have learned that good people combining their desire and action to do good things will cause greater good to be accomplished.  The people around us will combine with us to benefit charitable causes if we simply ask.  Ask them to help you fulfill your dreams of giving and you’ll have a new sense of certainty that great things are coming.  My friend Ed said, “Doing good as a group has changed the whole feeling and dynamic of my son’s neighborhood.  Without having the opportunity to serve neighbors, the truly great things about living in a neighborhood would have remained undiscovered.”
Discover the truly great things about living in your neighborhood and community; be rockin’ good.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Courage with a Smile

“I hurt so bad inside.”

Courage with a Smile

I was on my way to a meeting with a friend and I called her in preparation for the conference that was to occur in just three hours.  As soon as I heard the tone of her voice I knew something was wrong.  At first I was worried there was something wrong with our transaction, but in another second I could tell it was a personal challenge bothering her.
She was having a lot of changes in her life and there was no doubt she was receiving more than her fair share right now.  I asked her what was wrong.  She hesitated; then burst with an audible gasp.  You know the kind I’m talking about.  It’s like the rupture of an emotional dam bursting.

“I just found out that my husband, the one I’m in the middle of a divorce with, has been cheating on me over the last year!  I hurt so bad inside!”
The thing that was so amazing to me was that I had already had two face to face meetings with her earlier in the week and there was no hint of her internal pain.  I also knew that one of the principal people in her office had just been transferred and that she was overwhelmed with her increased work load.  But still, there was no hint of her internal turmoil.  All I could see was the smile on her face and a cheerful glow in her eyes.

Our meeting that afternoon went without a hitch, except for the unruly children running around the office jumping on computers and desks!  Through it all, my friend’s smile never left her face and our clients would have never guessed she was in such pain.  I sat in admiration of her courage, but I was to find another surprise the very next day.
Our meeting the next day didn’t start until late in the afternoon.  It was Friday and the end of a long hard week.  If ever there was a time when I could have seen my friend’s smile crack this would have been the perfect time.  But it didn’t happen.  In fact, her smile was brighter than ever.  She laughed and talked with our clients in a way to suggest that she didn’t have a care in the world.  For the duration of the meeting our clients were the center of her universe and she was the sun throughout our time together.

When the meeting ended our clients left the building.  I stayed for a minute with my friend to finish up a couple of minor details and asked her a careful question.
“How are you?”  It was more than a question of the surface.  It was a cautious inquiry meant to let her know that I was fully aware of her situation and truly cared.  I talked slowly and paused long enough to let her gather her thoughts so she could give me a composed answer.

“Things are hard today.” She said.  “But, all this will be over in a few days and I’ll be happy again!”
“Happy again?”  I thought to myself. 

She smiled as she spoke.  Her eyes were shining as bright as the sun outside!  I’ve seen courage before.  I’ve seen happiness before.  But I have never seen the two in combination before.  This was a new experience for me.  It’s an example I want to emulate in my own life.
We all have challenges.  I know I do.  Now I can see that I can face them with a smile.  I know I won’t change completely over night, but I’ve had an exemplar to show me the way.  Just knowing that it’s possible has opened up a whole new way of life for me.  I hope it has opened a new possibility for you as well.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Living in Spacce

“I just have so much to do I just don’t have any time to do what I really want to do.”
- Kilee Johnson
Living in Space

Kilee lives a very busy life.  She works full time, owns a home, is married, has a couple of pets, grows a large vegetable garden and loves to quilt.  It seems as if she is always working on a project.  In fact, she is the closest thing to a perpetual motion generator I’ve ever seen.  I see her fairly regularly; she’s also my daughter.  When I talked with her last, she was gasping for breath because she was also doing me a favor and it took her longer than she had anticipated.
“I just have so much going on!” She said as we talked on the phone.  “I don’t have time to do what I really want to do.”

“That’s because you always fill your schedule with projects to do.” I replied.  “You know, you don’t have to do everything you’re doing?”
As I listened to her reply I realized that Kilee suffers from a mistaken belief that emptiness is the same thing as nothingness.  For some reason our society has come to think that, “we are what we do” and “we are nothing else.”  This means that for millions of us, space does not exist.

But, nothing could be farther from the truth.  I go out into the night and look up in the sky and I can see space filled with stars.  I stand on my deck looking out to the South and see that there is space between my neighbor’s house and mine.  I look around me and see that there is space between my body and the body of others.  I look inside my home and see that there is an empty, space, room where Kilee used to live.  All these things have allowed me to realize that without space we would have no options.  There would be no new possibility.
Emptiness is everything – all possibilities of existence and nonexistence occurring simultaneously!  It is our nature to live in emptiness.  We have just forgotten that plain and simple fact.  So, I said something important to Kilee.

“You need to create space in your life; you don’t need to do everything you’re doing.  Don’t fill your life to the point where there is nothing else that can fit.  If you continue to live without emptiness, the possibilities you have seen in your dreams cannot come into your life.  There won’t be room for them!”
The words left my mouth to my own ears!  “I need to live in space myself!  In fact, I think I’m going to start by dusting off my space suit.  I haven’t seen it for a long time and I’ve been missing the wonders of the universe as a result!”

Do you know where your space suit is?