Sunday, September 9, 2012

Courage with a Smile

“I hurt so bad inside.”

Courage with a Smile

I was on my way to a meeting with a friend and I called her in preparation for the conference that was to occur in just three hours.  As soon as I heard the tone of her voice I knew something was wrong.  At first I was worried there was something wrong with our transaction, but in another second I could tell it was a personal challenge bothering her.
She was having a lot of changes in her life and there was no doubt she was receiving more than her fair share right now.  I asked her what was wrong.  She hesitated; then burst with an audible gasp.  You know the kind I’m talking about.  It’s like the rupture of an emotional dam bursting.

“I just found out that my husband, the one I’m in the middle of a divorce with, has been cheating on me over the last year!  I hurt so bad inside!”
The thing that was so amazing to me was that I had already had two face to face meetings with her earlier in the week and there was no hint of her internal pain.  I also knew that one of the principal people in her office had just been transferred and that she was overwhelmed with her increased work load.  But still, there was no hint of her internal turmoil.  All I could see was the smile on her face and a cheerful glow in her eyes.

Our meeting that afternoon went without a hitch, except for the unruly children running around the office jumping on computers and desks!  Through it all, my friend’s smile never left her face and our clients would have never guessed she was in such pain.  I sat in admiration of her courage, but I was to find another surprise the very next day.
Our meeting the next day didn’t start until late in the afternoon.  It was Friday and the end of a long hard week.  If ever there was a time when I could have seen my friend’s smile crack this would have been the perfect time.  But it didn’t happen.  In fact, her smile was brighter than ever.  She laughed and talked with our clients in a way to suggest that she didn’t have a care in the world.  For the duration of the meeting our clients were the center of her universe and she was the sun throughout our time together.

When the meeting ended our clients left the building.  I stayed for a minute with my friend to finish up a couple of minor details and asked her a careful question.
“How are you?”  It was more than a question of the surface.  It was a cautious inquiry meant to let her know that I was fully aware of her situation and truly cared.  I talked slowly and paused long enough to let her gather her thoughts so she could give me a composed answer.

“Things are hard today.” She said.  “But, all this will be over in a few days and I’ll be happy again!”
“Happy again?”  I thought to myself. 

She smiled as she spoke.  Her eyes were shining as bright as the sun outside!  I’ve seen courage before.  I’ve seen happiness before.  But I have never seen the two in combination before.  This was a new experience for me.  It’s an example I want to emulate in my own life.
We all have challenges.  I know I do.  Now I can see that I can face them with a smile.  I know I won’t change completely over night, but I’ve had an exemplar to show me the way.  Just knowing that it’s possible has opened up a whole new way of life for me.  I hope it has opened a new possibility for you as well.

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