Monday, September 30, 2024

"Every Day" Monday's Warm Cocoa, 30 September 2024

"Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value" – Albert Einstein

Every Day

Mark was sitting comfortably across the table from me. We were there together, well, just to get together. He was talking about the big shift that happened in his life.

“I don’t live to accumulate things as a sign of success anymore,” he said. “I came to realize that the only real impact a person can have in life comes through building one-on-one relationships.”

If there was any doubt about Mark’s sincerity it all vanished, as his eyes became misty as he tried to continue. There was a noticeable hitch in his voice as he tried to speak again.

“I’m sorry to get emotional,” he said. “it’s just that that this is so important to me. It’s become the way I live my life.”

That’s when Albert Einstein’s words, “Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value,” came to my mind.

Mark wasn’t even aware of this epigram running through my mind as he continued.

“I’ve made my life simple by focusing on one specific goal every day,” Mark continued.

He went on to say that he follows the same key value-creation ritual every day.

“I look for one person to make a new, genuine connection with each day, someone who is often over looked,” He clarified.

Mark actively seeks at least one person he feels could have their day made brighter by an honest, personal engagement. He often seeks people who are actively engaging with the public, yet are mostly ignored. A good example of this is a person working at a gas filling station. The person working there to make sure all of the pumps are working well.

“There are so many people who are surrounded by people for the majority of their work day, yet they’re seemingly invisible to those round-about them. I take time to actively engage with them. I’m not always successful. There are some who just don’t want to have any interaction. But, I try. If I can’t make a connection, I know I tried, at least.”

If he can’t make a true connection with the first person he tries to engage with, he knows he hasn’t met his goal for the day. When that happens, he simply keeps looking for another opportunity. And, he doesn’t limit himself to one per day. He’s always looking for others to connect with.

“The only thing we can leave behind, when our life is finished, are the people we’ve impacted through relationship,” Mark said just before his eyes filled with more emotion-disclosing mist.

“I came here today to be with you. Let’s talk about what you need now.”

Mark was still sitting comfortably across the table from me. We were there together, well, just to get together. He was teaching me about the big shift that happened, and keeps happening, in his life.

What kind of change will come to your life as a result of embracing Mark’s goal of creating value by making a personal connection with someone you don’t know yet, every day?______________________________________________

I’ve helped thousands of people, as a real estate & lifestyle expert, to discover where and how they want to live and work; to achieve Realesation™. That’s why I bring you American Dream TV, Both Sides of the Fence, About the Dish, Monday’s Warm Cocoa and Home by Design Magazine to stir your heart and mind. Contact me so I can join you along your own unique path of discovery.

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