Monday, September 30, 2024

"Every Day" Monday's Warm Cocoa, 30 September 2024

"Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value" – Albert Einstein

Every Day

Mark was sitting comfortably across the table from me. We were there together, well, just to get together. He was talking about the big shift that happened in his life.

“I don’t live to accumulate things as a sign of success anymore,” he said. “I came to realize that the only real impact a person can have in life comes through building one-on-one relationships.”

If there was any doubt about Mark’s sincerity it all vanished, as his eyes became misty as he tried to continue. There was a noticeable hitch in his voice as he tried to speak again.

“I’m sorry to get emotional,” he said. “it’s just that that this is so important to me. It’s become the way I live my life.”

That’s when Albert Einstein’s words, “Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value,” came to my mind.

Mark wasn’t even aware of this epigram running through my mind as he continued.

“I’ve made my life simple by focusing on one specific goal every day,” Mark continued.

He went on to say that he follows the same key value-creation ritual every day.

“I look for one person to make a new, genuine connection with each day, someone who is often over looked,” He clarified.

Mark actively seeks at least one person he feels could have their day made brighter by an honest, personal engagement. He often seeks people who are actively engaging with the public, yet are mostly ignored. A good example of this is a person working at a gas filling station. The person working there to make sure all of the pumps are working well.

“There are so many people who are surrounded by people for the majority of their work day, yet they’re seemingly invisible to those round-about them. I take time to actively engage with them. I’m not always successful. There are some who just don’t want to have any interaction. But, I try. If I can’t make a connection, I know I tried, at least.”

If he can’t make a true connection with the first person he tries to engage with, he knows he hasn’t met his goal for the day. When that happens, he simply keeps looking for another opportunity. And, he doesn’t limit himself to one per day. He’s always looking for others to connect with.

“The only thing we can leave behind, when our life is finished, are the people we’ve impacted through relationship,” Mark said just before his eyes filled with more emotion-disclosing mist.

“I came here today to be with you. Let’s talk about what you need now.”

Mark was still sitting comfortably across the table from me. We were there together, well, just to get together. He was teaching me about the big shift that happened, and keeps happening, in his life.

What kind of change will come to your life as a result of embracing Mark’s goal of creating value by making a personal connection with someone you don’t know yet, every day?______________________________________________

I’ve helped thousands of people, as a real estate & lifestyle expert, to discover where and how they want to live and work; to achieve Realesation™. That’s why I bring you American Dream TV, Both Sides of the Fence, About the Dish, Monday’s Warm Cocoa and Home by Design Magazine to stir your heart and mind. Contact me so I can join you along your own unique path of discovery.

Monday, September 23, 2024

Monday's Warm Cocoa, 23 September 2024 - "A Red Plate"

Lachlan McKnight continuing the Red Plate Tradition

A Red Plate!

Lachlan lives in New York City. That’s a long way from Ogden, Utah, where his great grandmother, Carol Butterfield lived most of her life. And, Lachlan never met her. She passed away long before he was born. Yet, his mother personally knows her as Grandma B.

Grandma B had a close relationship with her grandchildren and she holds a special place in the hearts of my children. That’s because of her munificence. She allowed us to share her home for a couple of years while we planned and constructed our home in Erda, Utah. My kids were very young then and as a result she created a bond with them that lives deep in their hearts. I can see her impact, even now as all three of my girls have spouses and live far from their high desert homestead.

I saw her impact again this week as I received a photo of nearly-two-year-old Lachlan standing on his cooking stool, smoothing frosting on the birthday cake he and his mother were creating for his father. Birthday cakes are a common tradition. So, that’s not what caught my eye here. It was the red plate sitting under that being-prepared cake that merited a stuck-stare.

Grandma B had a red plate birthday celebration tradition. And, she taught my children this simple tradition. When we would sit together to celebrate a loved-one’s birthday she would pull out her special red birthday plate. It was a plate only used for this specific practice and it was placed in front of the person whose birthday we were celebrating. It set this person apart, allowing them to feel special. And, it worked!

Our children looked forward to having the red plate identify them as being special. They knew we were all celebrating their presence in our lives. They knew they were loved.

That love-bond expanded as our girls married and their Grandma B gifted a cherished red plate to them. They received the gift with anticipation and gratitude, knowing it was different from all other wedding gifts they would receive. It was a gift from the heart, requesting a continuation of the red plate tradition. An ask that they would use it to let their current and to-come-loved-ones taste everlasting love.

Lachlan was born in love and lives in New York City. That’s a long way from Ogden, Utah where his great grandmother, Carol Butterfield lived most of her life. And, Lachlan has never met her. She passed away long before he was born. Yet, his mother has passed Grandma B’s generation-spanning love to him. Lachlan knows of and participates in Grandma B’s red plate tradition. 

Who would have thought that a simple red plate could play such a role in celebrating love and tie generations together?


I’ve helped thousands of people, as a real estate & lifestyle expert, to discover where and how they want to live and work; to achieve Realesation™. That’s why I bring you American Dream TV, Both Sides of the Fence, About the Dish, Monday’s Warm Cocoa and Home by Design Magazine to stir your heart and mind. Contact me so I can join you along your own unique path of discovery.

Monday, September 16, 2024

It's a Great Day - Monday's Warm Cocoa - 16 September 2024

“It is a great day!” – Landon Johnson

A Great Day!

“These are my favorite,” Landon said as he opened his brown paper bagged lunch. “I don’t get to eat them very often,” he said as he opened a bag of nacho flavor Doritos corn chips. “So, when I do have them in my lunch I eat them first!”

Sitting down to eat a picnic lunch on a Friday is also something Landon and I don’t do very often. And, this day just happened to be a perfect weather day. It was a bright day set with billowy floating clouds, punctuated by a bright blue sky and a comfortable temperature, all combining to create a perfect setting.

“Have you had a good day?” I asked.

“It’s a great day!” Landon answered.

“What’s made it a great day?”

“I get to spend time with you,” He responded.

His words hit with the force only capable of being generated by the unexpected. You know what its like. It was as if someone had suddenly jumped out from and around a blind corner, shouting boo! Such a thing causes an adrenaline rush which jolts your entire body. Then, when you see the initiating party, and it’s a friend, comforting relief rushes in to push the high pressure out, to usher in a comforting, soothing low pressure. It’s effect is an all-encompassing feeling of peace and joy.

Such peace and joy were now securely implanted, as a result Landon’s surprising words. And, all other external factors, the puffy clouds, deep blue sky and pleasant temperature, were instantly and simply relegated to, nice picnic embellishments, facilitating and opening the way for the full appreciation of a cherished moment.

“These are my favorite,” Landon said as he opened his brown-paper-bagged lunch. “I don’t get to eat them very often,” he said as he opened a bag of nacho flavor Doritos corn chips. “So, when I do have them in my lunch, I eat them first!”

Sitting down for a Friday picnic with Landon is also something I don’t get to do very often. And, this day of picnicking was a perfect-condition day. A day with billowy, floating clouds, punctuated by bright blue sky. It was an impeccable setting. But, they weren’t the characteristics making it a great day.

What made it a truly great day, the most important element, was spending attentive-time with a loved-one.

Well. Okay, the fingers and mouth covered in a dusting of tasty nacho chip seasoning added a lot to the ambiance too!


I’ve helped thousands of people, as a real estate & lifestyle expert, to discover where and how they want to live and work; to achieve Realesation. That’s why I bring you American Dream TV, Both Sides of the Fence, About the Dish, Monday’s Warm Cocoa and Home by Design Magazine to stir your heart and mind. Contact me so I can join you along your own unique path of discovery.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Again, in the Future? Monday's Warm Cocoa - 9 September 2024

“Lynn? Is that right?” – Brianna Carey

Again, in the Future?

I had a question roaming my mind, after seeing people I had met in completely different locations over the past few days.

“Hi, I met you two yesterday at a lunch event a couple of days ago,” I said in greeting.

“Yes,” they responded, before reintroducing themselves.”

“Interesting, meeting them here again unexpectedly,” I thought.

I kept walking and in a moment someone else approached me radiantly.

“Lynn?” She asked. “I’m Brianna.”

I must have looked a little baffled, because she immediately reached one of her hands to remove her sun glasses. I recognized her immediately.

“Oh yes!” I rejoined, as her husband Mark came up to greet me as well.

Unexpected meetings didn’t end then! The bustling First Friday festival continued all around. And, a moment later, someone else approached saying, “Hey, I met you at $1 Million Cups, didn’t I?”

Was all of this meant to be? After all, there are many stories where people have walked their own paths, leaving memories and people behind. Then, later in life, they stumbling across each other again, restoring memories and bonds together.

Fate, if you believe in that sort of thing, has an interesting way of connecting people and potentially surprising with the unexpected. One never knows!

So, I continued marveling as the evening progressed. And, I decided to focus on and enjoy the surprises. 

Brianna, Mark and their two young kids walked past my office again a few minutes later. I invited them in to enjoy an ice-cream bar. We talked more. Then, right after they left, Mark sent me a text message asking to schedule a get-together one day in the coming week.

Focusing on the present certainly opens possibilities of keeping, building and creating more possibilities in the future than you and I can ever imagine. After all, there isn’t any reason to dwell on what could happen later in life, if you’re not building relationships in the present.

Some may say, “What happens, simply happens.” But “again, in the future” can only happen if you’ve invested in relationships today.

This morning, I saw a couple of men, strangers, standing on the sidewalk just outside my office door, with a shifting, uncertain gaze, so I stepped out to see if I could help them.

“Can I help you find something?” I asked.

“We’re looking for a place to watch the game?” They answered.

“Then you’ve found it,” I said, “Come on in. What game are you wanting to watch?”

They told me. I changed the channel and they made themselves comfortable for a couple of hours. 

Again, in the future? Who knows!


I’ve helped thousands of people, as a real estate & lifestyle expert, to discover where and how they want to live and work; to achieve Realesation. That’s why I bring you American Dream TV, Both Sides of the Fence, About the Dish, Monday’s Warm Cocoa and Home by Design Magazine to stir your heart and mind. Contact me so I can join you along your own unique path of discovery.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Monday's Warm Cocoa, 2 September 2024, "Sparks of Joy"

“We have a pond.” – My Grandsons.

Sparks of Joy

Yesterday was quite blustery. The expected morning rain never materialized. But, not to be completely stingy, while still being unpredictable, Mother Nature sent promised rain in the afternoon. It rained for a couple of hours and the darkness of the rainclouds caused many to feel as if evening had arrived early.

Perhaps the late afternoon felt even a little darker, and more like evening, after working for the entire day. Nonetheless, it was dinner time, albeit an early dinner, and rather than giving an extra jolt of energy, the food seemed to confirm that an evening shutdown was the proper order of things. Yet, one dinging notification arrived in-between bites.

“We’re heading to our property. If you want to come by, you can.”

The weather outside was not as dismal as it had been. But, its gloomy, roiling internal remnant remained, causing a hesitation to accept the kindly invitation. You know about such inner debates. We all face them.

One side said, “I’m tired and don’t want to go out.” The other side responded with, “Remember that article you just read about “micro-acts of joy?”

“This is the emotional illusion that we’re susceptible to over-prioritizing moments of unpleasantness,” Dr. Emiliana R. Simon-Thomas, the science director at UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science says. “Shifting your perspective is an exercise in looking at those difficult moments from a high vantage point, and reimagining how this unpleasantness might be a catalyst for some growth, or some new learning, or perhaps a positive outcome.”

Who can’t benefit from a positive outcome in today’s world? I sure can. So, I decided to give it a try by accepting the invitation and shifting my location.

After a short ten-minute drive, I saw one little grandson lying belly down, with his head peering over the edge of their pond’s dock. He was talking with his older brother, who was in the water swimming. They were getting ready to climb on their family’s paddleboard, so they could giggle more and paddle around together, under the now bright azure sky. I sat on the edge of their pond watching them play in the water-laced-sunshine.

Sunshine filled my heart instantly! Because of being part of two boys’ simple, joyful micro-act. 

“This is how ‘moments of unpleasantness’ can change in an instant,” the poignant words of the article embedded, as the two boys came rushing toward me, squealing joyfully in unison.

“We have a pond!”

We, all of us, have access to such humble sparks of joy. Let’s let them flame-out illusionary unpleasantness through acceptance and seeking-out of simple, micro-moments of happiness.


I’ve helped thousands of people, as a real estate & lifestyle expert, to discover where and how they want to live and work; to achieve Realesation. That’s why I bring you American Dream TV, Both Sides of the Fence, About the Dish, Monday’s Warm Cocoa and Home by Design Magazine to stir your heart and mind. Contact me so I can join you along your own unique path of discovery.