“That’s easy! She’s a blessing!” – Todd Feld
Rooted Trust
“When these new documents came out, I knew I had to call you! I wanted your opinion.” Todd said.
He went on to say that he made the call because of complete trust. Yet, there is one, much more important, universally rooted trust exhibited by Todd Feld. And this conversation was the perfect opportunity to discover the deepest kind of trust.
An outsider’s view of Todd’s family life could lead one to conclude the opposite of what the truth is. You see, Todd has successfully raised a mentally challenged daughter and her siblings. Someone who hasn’t spoken with him about this would easily assume that Todd and his wife are the ones who have undergone the most difficult, been through the most, challenges throughout this child rearing process. Yet, a conversation with Todd, asking the direct question, “Will you tell me what you’ve learned as a direct result of this experience?” resulted in this definitive response from him:
“She’s a real blessing!”
Perhaps the ability to live life fully rooted in trust is the real blessing?
Does life continuously present fitting lessons, individually tailored toward optimal personal growth? Are such individualized, perfect lessons, offered freely as a demonstration of faith? A faith rooted in a universal conviction that every person has the ability to succeed? Todd’s life experience answers these questions with a certain, yes.
No one knows what their fitted lessons are going to be. Todd didn’t understand the lessons he would face when he and his wife began their family. They learned, from each child, as they were born. They learned, with each child, as they progressed together. Fitted lessons are a process of gaining incremental trust.
Incremental trust is progressive in nature. It is gained step-by-step. It is gained, age-by-age, experience-by-experience. Most often, such growth is not recognizable until a time of reflection allows us to see it, as if looking in a mirror which exposes our forever changed image in the form of a ripened face. This moment could be called, time counting our blessings; the time when we are more able to accurately see conquered obstacles for what they really are. Realization of universally rooted trust.
“When these new documents came out, I knew I had to call you! I wanted your opinion. Because I know I can trust you.” Todd said.
He went on to say that he made the call because of complete trust. Yet, there is one, much more important, universally rooted trust exhibited by Todd Feld. And a conversation with Todd Feld was the perfect opportunity to discover the deepest kind of trust, universally rooted trust. A trust that life has and will continuously present fitted lessons, individually tailored toward our own optimal personal growth.