Monday, March 23, 2009

The Bicycle Helmet Principle

“Will you please tell our boys to wear their bicycle helmets?”
- Unknown

The Bicycle Helmet Principle

Years ago while working in my friend’s bicycle store I discovered one of the most powerful principles of my life. I call it the “Bicycle Helmet Principle.” After learning about it, I hope it will become as valuable to you as it is to me!

One day a family walked into the store with their sons and made a bee-line toward me. They walked right up to me and one of the parents said, "Our sons will not wear their helmets while riding their bikes! Will you please tell them to wear their helmets? Maybe they'll listen to you!"

They were very direct and wanted to make a clear point to their sons. I wanted to take a moment to gather myself before I answered them so I walked toward the helmet display thinking about my response the entire way. Never had such a short walk seemed to be so difficult!

When we arrived at the display, I stopped and turned to the anxious parents. "Let me ask you a question.” I said, “When you ride your bikes, do you wear your helmets?"

They stopped, looked incredulously at me and said, "No."

I said, "Then nothing I can say will make a difference."

I’m not sure what they really thought. The conversation stopped short and they turned and left the store. They most likely thought I was rude, but that was not my intention. You may think I really didn’t help the parents; but my objective was to help them far beyond the question they asked. I wanted to help the entire family by shifting their focus just enough to see things from a different perspective. I wanted to show them that none of us can make others do what we are not willing to do ourselves!

That means the answers to my problems are not going to come to me from some expert without my active participation. All of the answers I am seeking will come from within me!

Now that doesn’t mean that I can’t learn from others. I can. I do every day. But, if all I do is let the words run past my ears and not into my heart then nothing anyone will say can make a difference to me.

As my friend, you can tell what I really believe by what I do. My own actions make my life what it is, after others have shared their value with me.

I’ve discovered that shared value in the form of coaching can help everyone. I’ve found that if someone is willing to give me a different perspective and show me a new way, that very small change in how and what I do will pay huge dividends! Sometimes I just need to have a friend see things I’m missing because I’m stuck inside myself and can’t see! It's like holding a page of a book right up to your nose and hoping to be able to read it. It just doesn't work!

By applying the Bicycle Helmet Principle in your life you'll find that simplicity and the seemingly insignificant will change your life forever! I'll show you how! It's not expensive! It's not hard! It's as easy as riding a bike!

You can do that can't you?


Then you can do this!

Let's start with training wheels right now!

First, think of one personal relationship that you would like to be better. Just stop right now and visualize that person. Can you see their face? Can you feel their presence? Can you identify that warm feeling you get inside when you're with them and everything is great?

Now, visualize yourself going up to that person and give them a heart-felt compliment. See the reaction in their face. Feel their arms around you as they express their thanks. Feel your heart beating with excitement!

You can have this feeling everyday if you'll just make a commitment to yourself to give this important person one simple and easy compliment every day!

Can it be that easy? Yes!

Are you ready to take the simple and small step of putting your bicycle helmet on? We’ll take the next step together as we explore the significance of the insignificant next week. I’ll also begin to offer you the opportunity to take advantage of some pretty wonderful instruction from some of the leading Gurus of our time.Today is a new day! Are you ready to have your breath taken away by making small changes now so that you can live the life of your dreams?

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