Monday, August 12, 2024

Monday's Warm Cocoa, 12 August 2024 - Open Avenues

“If I’m ever feeling a little down all I have to do is walk in here!” – Kelly Sampson

Open Avenues

Kelly Sampson returned my call after three or four days and to my embarrassment I paused, saying, “I’m sorry, can you remind me what I called you about?”

She was very kind, reminding me that I had called about SOAR, her hot air balloon festival. That little piece of information brought me right back on track and I asked if we come meet, so she could share the story of SOAR’s genesis. An appointment was confirmed, she gave me the address, and we met within a day.

The reception desk where Kelly works, Open Avenues, isn’t quite like any other reception desk I’ve experienced! Alex, a lovable golden retriever, stuffed animal in mouth, greeted me with welcoming-sparkling-eyes and growling playful speech. When I looked to my right, a tuxedo-style pup with a ribbon in her hair, was perched between the receptionists monitor and key board. She, a snobby little dog, had a very clear, “I don’t care who you think you are” look on her face, as Kelly was asked to come out. 

I already felt right at home and had an imaginary warm, just-baked-bread smell waft through my nose and lungs as Kelly walked over to shake my hand.

“Would you like to take a tour of our facility?” She asked.

Yes. I responded eagerly, while dutifully following her through two double doors into a large warehouse-like space, as she explained, “When I came to work here as the Marketing Director, our largest fundraising event was a fairly generic, mimeographed-like annual gala. And, I wanted to do something more fun, while matching the feeling of the uniquely wonderful we people serve!” She spoke with a smile radiating through her bright blue eyes, as we passed through those doors and into a voluminous room filled with happy people.

“If I’m ever feeling a little down all I have to do is walk in here!” Kelly grinned.

Meeting the people there, doing meaningful work and most importantly, are part of a supporting community, of not just other workers, but men and women who loved being together because of their conjointly held joy, made our own hearts soar!

Open Avenues’ mission is to provide people, with all types of handicaps, with meaningful work, education, training and society. And, SOAR they do!

So much so, that I went back there just yesterday, because, like Kelly Sampson, if I’m ever feeling a little down all I have to do is walk into Open Avenues, so I can laugh together with the people there, like I’ve never giggled before.


I’ve helped thousands of people, as a real estate & lifestyle expert, to discover where and how they want to live and work; to achieve Realesation. That’s why I bring you American Dream TV, Both Sides of the Fence, About the Dish, Monday’s Warm Cocoa and Home by Design Magazine to stir your heart and mind. Contact me so I can join you along your own unique path of discovery.

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