Monday, August 26, 2024

Monday's Warm Cocoa, Moving Feet - 26 August 2024

“Have moving feet!” – Scott Spangler

Moving Feet

“Out of everything I’ve said today, I want you to remember one thing,” Scott Spangler said with a softening kindness around his eyes. “If you will do this, it will change your life.”

He had said some, already life changing things, so to think more important words were coming was hard to take in. You can imagine how quickly the shift from careful listening to, “listening with greater intensity came. Yet, Scott didn’t change his tone or delivery in any way, another evidence of his natural, caring nature.

“Get your feet moving,” he continued. “Don’t let fear stop you. And, be sure to listen to your intuition while walking. Trust your intuition.”  He then went on to tell how one happenstance opened the way for his life to change, in a way he could have never anticipated or plan.

“I didn’t grow up with a silver spoon in my mouth,” he said. “I was always the person who felt I needed to work harder than anyone else to be successful. While working my way through college at a ski resort in Colorado, I became friends with a family from Connecticut. They came to Colorado every year and in some ways, I had become part of their family.”

The winter of Scott’s last year in college the Connecticut father asked him to come over to their vacation home so they could talk. He recounted how nervous he was at the prospect, because even though he had been in that same home with these friends for many years, this time felt different, more formal. And, it was, kind of. Because, during that visit, Scott was invited to move to the East Coast and work in the father’s firm.

“I remember feeling elated and fearful at the same time,” Scott confided.

He said that the fear was so strong it almost caused him to retreat to his comfortable, current life.

“I had never lived anywhere outside of Colorado,” he continued. “I wrestled with the fear, for what seemed like, forever! Then I decided to move my feet, to let them guide me.”

Once he started his work on the East Coast he found comfort. Perhaps most importantly, he had learned a life changing lesson.

“I learned that fear can stop me from allowing my inner-self, my core, true self to lead the way. It is the most authentic part of us and I learned to trust it. From that moment on, I’ve been able to keep my feet moving, despite my fear. Now it is a personal characteristic, an individual guiding principle.”

Today, Scott is back in Colorado. His feet have brought him home to run his own firm. He still works much harder than most. It is still one of his distinguishing traits. Yet, it is not his most trusted virtue. Now we know why.

“Out of everything I’ve said today, I want you to remember one thing,” Scott Spangler said with a softening kindness around his eyes. “If you will do this, it will change your life.”

“Have moving feet!”


I’ve helped thousands of people, as a real estate & lifestyle expert, to discover where and how they want to live and work; to achieve Realesation. That’s why I bring you American Dream TV, Both Sides of the Fence, About the Dish, Monday’s Warm Cocoa and Home by Design Magazine to stir your heart and mind. Contact me so I can join you along your own unique path of discovery.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Monday's Warm Cocoa, 19 August 2024, Look at Me!


“I’m here!” – My Grandson

Look at Me!

“I’m here!” He said with exuberance, while standing directly to my left.

I was sitting in our family room upon his arrival. As is often the case, I was still working at home into the evening. Though I knew he was there, I didn’t look over at him; keeping my eyes fixed on a lifeless screen.

A few moments passed. I was still looking at that screen, concentrating, without acknowledging him. I was just finishing up a response and was so engrossed that I didn’t stop to think about the feelings of my treasured grandson. And, what a miracle it was to have him there.

It was a miracle, because his arrival in our home marked the first full day he had been released from the children’s hospital. He had spent four days there, clinging to life for two of those days. During that time, his normal effervesce had evaporated. I knew it was vanished, because I had spent hours sitting next to his bed, examining his ashen face for signs of improvement. And, hoped-for progress was slow coming, like waiting for Christmas Day to arrive, as sleep was banished by excitement, for the entire eve.

We were all worried for his welfare day, evening and night. We dropped all things that were proven to be lacking in importance, as compared to our cherished boy. Yet, a couple of days hence where showing me to be fickle, at the very least. Oh, how short the memory of an old man can be, even without medically diagnosed memory loss. Luckily, that was about to change as a result of the persistence of youth.

“Look at me!” He said in exasperation.

Like a mule kick to the head, without the accompanying, imprinted hoof mark, I finally received his message.

He was saying, “I’m not invisible, even though you are pretending me to be!”

So, I put my screen down, in its place, out of my hands.

“I know you are!” I responded. “I’m so happy to see you! Thanks for coming to visit.”

Then, I dragged my old bones out of their comfortable seated position and took a couple of steps over to him, to scoop him up in gratitude, as a gesture of love. It was a simple gesture, aimed at thanking him for his patience with me.

This episode also reminded me of a conversation with a friend who had become crippled with age; who before was a celebrated athlete. I asked him once how he made it through his days in such pain with shadow. He responded with a simple comment.

“I do what’s important and let everything else go!”


I’ve helped thousands of people, as a real estate & lifestyle expert, to discover where and how they want to live and work; to achieve Realesation. That’s why I bring you American Dream TV, Both Sides of the Fence, About the Dish, Monday’s Warm Cocoa and Home by Design Magazine to stir your heart and mind. Contact me so I can join you along your own unique path of discovery.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Monday's Warm Cocoa, 12 August 2024 - Open Avenues

“If I’m ever feeling a little down all I have to do is walk in here!” – Kelly Sampson

Open Avenues

Kelly Sampson returned my call after three or four days and to my embarrassment I paused, saying, “I’m sorry, can you remind me what I called you about?”

She was very kind, reminding me that I had called about SOAR, her hot air balloon festival. That little piece of information brought me right back on track and I asked if we come meet, so she could share the story of SOAR’s genesis. An appointment was confirmed, she gave me the address, and we met within a day.

The reception desk where Kelly works, Open Avenues, isn’t quite like any other reception desk I’ve experienced! Alex, a lovable golden retriever, stuffed animal in mouth, greeted me with welcoming-sparkling-eyes and growling playful speech. When I looked to my right, a tuxedo-style pup with a ribbon in her hair, was perched between the receptionists monitor and key board. She, a snobby little dog, had a very clear, “I don’t care who you think you are” look on her face, as Kelly was asked to come out. 

I already felt right at home and had an imaginary warm, just-baked-bread smell waft through my nose and lungs as Kelly walked over to shake my hand.

“Would you like to take a tour of our facility?” She asked.

Yes. I responded eagerly, while dutifully following her through two double doors into a large warehouse-like space, as she explained, “When I came to work here as the Marketing Director, our largest fundraising event was a fairly generic, mimeographed-like annual gala. And, I wanted to do something more fun, while matching the feeling of the uniquely wonderful we people serve!” She spoke with a smile radiating through her bright blue eyes, as we passed through those doors and into a voluminous room filled with happy people.

“If I’m ever feeling a little down all I have to do is walk in here!” Kelly grinned.

Meeting the people there, doing meaningful work and most importantly, are part of a supporting community, of not just other workers, but men and women who loved being together because of their conjointly held joy, made our own hearts soar!

Open Avenues’ mission is to provide people, with all types of handicaps, with meaningful work, education, training and society. And, SOAR they do!

So much so, that I went back there just yesterday, because, like Kelly Sampson, if I’m ever feeling a little down all I have to do is walk into Open Avenues, so I can laugh together with the people there, like I’ve never giggled before.


I’ve helped thousands of people, as a real estate & lifestyle expert, to discover where and how they want to live and work; to achieve Realesation. That’s why I bring you American Dream TV, Both Sides of the Fence, About the Dish, Monday’s Warm Cocoa and Home by Design Magazine to stir your heart and mind. Contact me so I can join you along your own unique path of discovery.

Monday, August 5, 2024

Chance - Monday's Warm Cocoa 5 August 2024


“I love to have a little more chance in my life.” – Jewel Mlnarik


Sometimes when walking the same floor, a well-known floor, it can feel suddenly worn, sort of as if it doesn’t fit anymore. It can lead to feeling unsettled, almost as if that familiar floor has somehow moved. You can’t figure out how it moved, without you noticing, because of the frequency with which you walk it. Yet, you sense it’s time for a change; to get a new floor to walk on. And, change can be a tortuous decision. Such anguish often leads to loneliness and a feeling of isolation, as well as to the discovery of chances.

“I love to have a little more chance in my life,” Jewel Mlnarik said while sitting in a spontaneous circle of virtual strangers. It was a statement of such situational relevance that it seemed to bore deep into my ear and it began to shrill inside my head, as if simulating the song of cicada descending from trees. And, it was a harmony spoken by Ben Clayton, founder of Double Jump Media.

“You know,” he said, “You’re only one text away from another introduction.” While looking around the enclosing circle of Joshua Dover, Jewel Mlnarik, Ben Clayton and me. It was a welcome invitation because of the shared experience of the seated, recent floor-replacing quartette.

Jewel had newly left her life of familiarity, creating a new place for change in a new state. Ben had moved his business and life from Missouri to walk the new floors he felt calling. And Joshua had just initiated his dreamt-of-chance to start a new business, using his well-honed technology skills. These changes had colluded to form an imperceptible runway toward a spur-of-the-moment circle, after participating in a much larger gathering.

Jewel’s predictive, “I love to have a little more chance in my life,” was the moment’s narrative.

A narrative showing that when walking a new floor with strangers, it can feel suddenly inspiring, sort of as if chance is welcoming disparate pieces to fit together, forming a new picture puzzle. It can feel as if a magically-shifting floor is moving people together by chance. You can’t figure out how it moved without you noticing, while perceiving the painting of a new portrait. That’s because of natural apprehension while walking on an unfamiliar surface. Yet, you somehow know the path is welcoming transformation; while introducing new friends to walk with. It can all feel quite miraculous. 

Such wonder often leads to additional impetus, excitement and feelings of camaraderie, all realized by accepting an invitation to have a little more chance in your life.


I’ve helped thousands of people, as a real estate & lifestyle expert, to discover where and how they want to live and work; to achieve Realesation. That’s why I bring you American Dream TV, Both Sides of the Fence, About the Dish, Monday’s Warm Cocoa and Home by Design Magazine to stir your heart and mind. Contact me so I can join you along your own unique path of discovery.