Monday, June 24, 2024

Daring Thing

“What should young people do with their lives today? Many things, obviously. But the most daring thing is to create stable communities in which the terrible disease of loneliness can be cured.” ― Kurt Vonnegut

Daring Thing

Kurt Vonnegut was an author known for his satirical and darkly humorous novels. Over fifty years he published fourteen novels, three short-story collections, five plays, and five nonfiction works. I was reading one of his novels for pure enjoyment, sitting comfortably on an airplane, on my way out of town.

The flight was just over two hours in length, so I was able to make good headway into the novel and I knew time had flown along too. I looked out the window searching for a geographical bearing to determine how soon we’d be landing before beginning the upcoming, lengthy chapter. The scenery made the decision for me. I’d never finish that long chapter before landing. Yet, I had a few minutes, so I read “about the author,” which contained an impactful, noteworthy passage.

“What should young people do with their lives today? Many things, obviously. But the most daring thing is to create stable communities in which the terrible disease of loneliness can be cured,” Kurt Vonnegut said as part of an autobiographical collage.

I pondered this message through the final minutes of the flight and while taxing to the gate. Then, as passengers began to disembark it came to life in an unexpected way.

My travel bag happened to be in an overhead compartment, across the aisle and two rows back. You know how it is. In order for me to retrieve my bag as other passengers yearned to exit the aluminum tube would have been analogous to a salmon swimming against the current, hoping to spawn. So, I settled into my seat while thinking I’d simply wait until everyone had left the plane. It was not to be so.

Just as I had settled I felt a gentle pressure on my right shoulder and heard a kind voice from behind. It was a young man. The man directly behind me; someone unknown to me. 

“Isn’t your bag a couple of rows back?” he inquired.

“Yes, it is that blue bag across the aisle,” I responded with surprised gratitude.

“I can get that for you,” he said as he reached back carefully, over heads and through other bodies until he captured my bag and handed it to me.

“Thank you! You’re so kind,” I said with my brightest, gratitude-broadened smile, while contemplating the impact of a young man’s, “daring act to cure the terrible disease of loneliness!”


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