Monday, May 13, 2024

Chasing Mice?

“Did I spend the day chasing mice or hunting antelope?” – Newt Gingrich

Chasing Mice?

One morning this week I found myself sitting in front of my computer aimlessly reviewing email. I knew the vast majority of it was of little or no importance, yet there I sat when I had a life to write. It was then that some words of former Speaker of The US House of Representatives, Newt Gingrich came galloping through my thoughts.

“Did I spend the day chasing mice or hunting antelope?”

People love to tear and tell stories. 

Does the story of chasing mice sound familiar to you? Do you find yourself engrossed in insignificant activities that may seem productive but ultimately drain your energy without providing substantial progress toward what you often, weakly profess as important and significant? What’s keeping you from writing the life story you want to tell?

Is your personal story negotiable? See if you can begin telling the story of how you achieved the “impossible.” When you do, you’ll suddenly begin to discover ways to make it come true.

Should you expect to encounter resistance to such a fantastical story? Yes! But, here’s the thing. Such resistance is usually a “test me challenge” (TMC). It appears to be a formidable barrier, but when begin to take steps to make your story real, such obstacles quickly crumble. They are not as hard to overcome as expected and are simply potential subplots.

Is it hard to write past subplots? This question came to me toward the end of one day after chasing distracting subplots almost all day. When noticing the unyielding time in the upper right-hand corner of my computer, panic gripped my consciousness. I had very little time in which to write the story of hour I had conquered one day. 

Writing the story of achieving your impossible is a tale of how you overcame obstacles that most others fall prey to. It means illustrating how you heroically engaged in meaningful living and found hoped-for promise and substantial rewards in the end. Write a happy ending from the beginning, how you accomplished more in the span of two hours than another person could accomplish in a whole day, in a whole lifetime. 

Why not begin writing your story of achieving the impossible at the commencement each day?  Show how you evaded capture by the cunning forces surrounding you. Show that you’ve been hearing the internal call of your deepest yearning.

Is there a yearning crying from your subconscious, speaking to you about something being denied?

Have you been telling yourself a story of a lesser life? 

Yes. People love to hear and tell stories. Work on your story every day. Embrace the ethos of a writer.  It may require a little editing in mindset and priorities. You may need to cultivate a writer’s discipline and focus on endeavors that align with your developing values and aspirations. It may require the setting of a new or clearer plot, a prioritization of tasks, and allocating resources judiciously. Start today.

Write your story on purpose.


I’ve helped thousands of people, as a real estate & lifestyle expert, to discover where and how they want to live and work; to achieve Realesation. That’s why I bring you American Dream TV, Both Sides of the Fence, About the Dish, Monday’s Warm Cocoa and HomeByDesign Magazine to stir your heart and mind:

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