Monday, May 27, 2024

Book & Love Club

“Maggie fell and broke her leg, let’s start a meal chain.” – Sharon Westbrook

Book & Love Club

It was time to pay some attention to maintenance, at least that’s what the lighted alert was flashing in its specific, noticeable car-dashboard-spot. It had been there for three or four days and yesterday the designated day to take the car to be serviced at a local dealership. That’s when another sign appeared outside the car, just up ahead on the road, suggesting to all captured-eyes that cars aren’t exclusive in the need to receive a little help and assistance from time to time.

The sign, speaking at freeway speed, was on the back of a large horse trailer being towed behind a dual-wheeled, heavy duty, horse packing, pickup truck.

“Spur on to offer more caring and kindness,” it proclaimed.

The letters were large and scripted in an artistic manner to complement its accompanying stylized cowboy boots, adorned with the referenced spurs, drawing. The entire image came together to graphically inspire as well as to spur personal remembrance.

Two days earlier, sixteen members of a local book club greeted each other just before club president, Sharon Westbrook, started the once monthly meeting by saying, “Maggie fell and broke her leg, let’s start a meal chain.” This pronouncement was quickly followed with affirmative nods and whispered support.

“Welcome back to Laura!” Sharon continued. 

You see, Laura had missed the last two club meetings as a result of necessary recuperation from open heart surgery. She was back in attendance, looking healthy and happy to be back midst such dear friends. These same friends had compassionately delivered meals to Laura and her husband Rog for weeks prior to the group’s current meeting. Such personal and individualized affection is the foundational character of this book club.

Recognizing this, one of the members said, “We should change the name of our club! We should call it the Book and Love Club! Because it perfectly describes our shared purpose.”

There were more nods of approval, more whispers of support upon the just stated exclamation. And, it was a statement to be supported and illustrated just two days later in another way.

It was personified on the back of that uniquely-characterized-horse-trailer traveling north. That truck and trailer were not going to the same auto dealership for suggested maintenance. Nor were any of the speeding-forward travelers going to the local Book and Love Club to receive offered personal inspiration and friendship.

But the message is spurring thousands toward offering more care and kindness.

What are you doing to urge yourself and others toward greater caring and kindness, where ever you go?


I’ve helped thousands of people, as a real estate & lifestyle expert, to discover where and how they want to live and work; to achieve Realesation. That’s why I bring you American Dream TV, Both Sides of the Fence, About the Dish, Monday’s Warm Cocoa and Home By Design Magazine to stir your heart and mind:

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