“I’m leaning into the laziness and using my time to rest, reset and reflect.” - Nicole Gaffney
Magnifying Cup
I read and reread the note my friend Coley sent me during the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day. “I’m leaning into the laziness and using my time to rest, reset and reflect.”
The word lazy is not one of the descriptors I would have ever thought to use in reference to Coley! After all, she’s a renowned chef and recipe developer specializing in seasonal Italian cooking. So, I can always rely on her to provide me with time-tested, easy-to-follow recipes, essential techniques and clever tricks.
But, her, hopefully, life-changing note gave me a different kind of recipe. One that I’m following to add a “Magnifying Cup” to my already heavily used cooking measuring cup. It is a restyled idea of an ever-growing, never full, formula for living.
Mo’at said, “It is hard to fill a cup which is already full.” And so, as part of my end-of-year reflecting, I’ve been wondering about the life-experience-opportunity-cost of living with a full cup; a cup unable to accept or receive more.
“I'm really looking forward to learning. I think there's so much each of us can take away from the other person. There's a ton of stuff to be learned just about life in general.” Coley expounded.
She went on to describe the whole experience of living with, what I call, a “Magnifying Cup” philosophy that will allow anyone to learn more from mentors, family and friends, rather than having their proffered-knowledge to simply run off the top of, your cup. Because you think you’re already living a fullness of life.
“I feel like what I'm going to know when this is all said and done versus what I knew going into it is going to be monumental.” Coley said about the future she envisions coming to fruition over the next year.
I read and reread the note my friend Coley sent me, about her preparation for the coming year, during the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day. “I’m leaning into the laziness and using my time to rest, reset and reflect.”
The word lazy is not one of the descriptors I would have ever thought to use in reference to Coley! After all, she’s a renowned chef and recipe developer specializing in seasonal Italian cooking and restyled living. So, I can always rely on her to provide me with time-tested, easy-to-follow recipes, essential techniques and clever tricks to enrich living.
She’s also the one who led me to the discovery of the “Magnifying Cup.” The philosophy to follow while cooking up a restyled, ever-growing, never full, formula for living.
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