“My brother just called and said he has a modeling gig!” – Nancy Hatcher
Even When Broken
Nancy was enjoying the warmth of The Gallery. It was a cold day, but as always, she was wearing a bright smile. She also felt the need to have a conversation, even though she had just finished a phone call.
“My brother just called and said he has a modeling gig!” Nancy said with a sparkle in her eye.
Her brother, Dean Martin (no, not the famous singer), had been diagnosed with cancer a couple of years ago. His physicians tried to attack it without surgery, but it soon became apparent that they could only save his life by performing a radical procedure. In the end, the doctors removed one of his legs, hip and a large part of his torso. In all, he lost just about one third of his body. That would destroy all of the joy and hope for some people, but not for Dean.
“Dean hasn’t lost his sense of humor in any way!” Nancy continued. “I just don’t know how he does it. But, it’s clear that the doctors couldn’t cut that part of him away!”
When Dean is out in public, people are drawn to him because he’s so different physically. And, by the time they walk away they realize they were drawn-in by his character and personality. That’s what allows him to reach others in a such a unique way. This exceptional combination of inimitable physical distinction with indominable personality has made him a applied teacher.
“People can look at me and immediately see that I’m broken.” Dean says. “I think at first they’re shocked. But, when they see I’m open and approachable about my brokenness, they relate to me almost immediately.”
People can empathize with Dean because every living person feels broken in one way or another. And, when another person sees that Dean’s broken condition is generally far worse than what they’ve faced, they want to know how he’s been able to deal with it so positively.
“He is happy!” Nancy says. “He’s taught me that no matter what may happen to my body I can still live a happy life!”
And, happy he is! Losing a third of his body changed Dean’s life in many good ways.
“I never saw myself as a teacher, as a source of inspiration, before cancer and my subsequent surgery. Now I know that teaching, inspiring others, is my greatest talent. It has brought me indescribable joy. It has brought me a realization of fulfillment. Even though I’m really only two thirds full!” He laughed.
Nancy was enjoying the warmth of The Gallery. Now we were both enjoying the warmth of Dean’s inspiration! It was a cold day, but as always, she was wearing a bright smile. She also felt the need to have an intimate conversation.
“My brother just called and said he has a modeling gig!” Nancy said with a sparkle in her eye.
And, what a model he is! He teaches that all of us are broken in some way. Sometimes it’s apparent to others and sometimes it’s not.
“What matters is that we know one important thing. Even when one is broken, they can be happy and completely fulfilled; no matter the size of their tank!” Dean chuckled.
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