Monday, February 24, 2025

Lynn Butterfield's Monday's Warm Cocoa, 24 February 2025, "With New Eyes"

“He’s never seen snow before.” – Larry Garcia

With New Eyes

“He’s never seen snow before,” Larry Garcia said as he and his crew stood in the great-room of the house they were working on.

The four workers were standing in a semi-circle and as Larry was speaking he tilted his head slightly to the right to indicate the member of his crew he was referencing. As the words just exited his mouth all four of them began to giggle a little bit. It was the biggest snow storm any of them had encountered.  And, their giggling sounded as if was coming from delighted children. It was totally unexpected.

Such glee stood in bleak contrast to the weather’s label heard across the news and individual conversations happening all around the storm-blasted community. Most were calling the storm, which was unusual for the area, “Snowmageddon.” After all, the schools and businesses were closed and all of the roads were dangerous to travel on. They were not plowed or salted. But, for the moment, these details of the storm’s impact were completely lost on the four. The negatives were over shadowed by the joy of new experience. There were other new experiences on the horizon for men as well.

The temperature was about to fall off a cliff and the snow continued. As the sun set, the thermostat plunged. By the time midnight arrived it felt like it was negative 11-degrees because of the howling wind and blowing snow. While still freezing, perhaps the 3-degree thermostat reading would have felt a lot better than that blowing-snow-driven low diving chill. It made the drive to the worker’s Airbnb a very unforgettable experience.

The next morning, the continued adventure slid forward. The men were now enjoying a snowed-in status. Their van was stuck in the driveway and they didn’t know what to do. So, they waited, thinking that snowplows would come to clear their way. It was not to happen.

On the third snow-bound-day they were motivated to dive into another new experience. They pulled out shovels and began to dig their way out. It took them half a day. But, they did it. By afternoon they were back on the job.

You may think they would have lost the sparkle in their eyes as well as that infectious giggle heard three days earlier. But, that wasn’t the case. They were still smiling and enjoying the wonder of a massive storm and snow on a never before seen scale, while others, with a not-new-to-me attitude were still grumbling. What was their secret?

It was their ability to see the world with new eyes and marveling at the wonder of it all.


I’m Lynn Butterfield, Real Estate & Lifestyle Expert and Television Host for American Dream TV in Northwest Arkansas. I’ve helped hundreds of Buyers and Sellers, as a real estate agent and Associate Broker with Coldwell Banker, to discover where and how they want to live and work; to achieve what I call Realesation™. That’s why I bring you American Dream TV, Both Sides of the Fence, About the Dish, Monday’s Warm Cocoa and Home by Design Magazine to stir your heart and mind. Contact me so I can join you along your own unique path of discovery.

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