Monday, January 6, 2025

Monday's Warm Cocoa, 6 January 2025, "Unknown Impact"

“I can do hard things!” – Annie and Darryl McDaniel

Unknown Impact

“I received an email from someone I didn’t know, Annie said.

The message started with, “I don’t know if you will ever receive this, but I hope you do,” this unknown sender began.

“Of course, this unusual beginning got my attention immediately,” Annie continued, before saying, “As I continued to read the message, my emotions got the best of me and I broke down in tears.”

The reason Annie began tearing-up was, perhaps, because she had been struggling with an internal decision as to whether she was going to end her Miss Annie’s Home + Kitchen work, calling and endeavor. Something she often refers to as her “inspiration,” not her work. As with many heart-felt pursuits, Annie had been enduring some disturbing opposition. Conflict that had taken a toll on her resilience over a period of time. And, as she continued her reading of the email, her heart was beating into her throat and her chest was warming. The message spoke directly to her tumult.

“I had been focusing my Miss Annie’s Home + Kitchen messaging around ‘I can do hard things,’ in an effort to offer encouragement to others who are facing, often seemingly insurmountable trials. And, this email’s arrival just happened to come to me when I needed strength and encouragement myself. It seemed to beckon. It was a catalyst, urging me to sustain and continue on at a time when I was questioning my ability to do so.”

The email’s sender? The daughter of a woman Annie had never met. In fact, she had never exchanged personal messages or conversed with this unknown, inspiring sender or her mother. A follower who had been interacting with Miss Annie’s Home + Kitchen for a long time.

Annie continued reading.

“My mother battled ovarian cancer for a long time,” the email-sender continued. “My mother was never able to tell you how much your posts had meant to her. So, I am fulfilling her desire to thank you, as unfortunately, my mother recently succumbed to this horrible disease. Yet she remained strong and hopeful as a result of your continuous encouragement. In fact, she wore her ‘I can do hard things’ t-shirt, purchased from your site, regularly. She wore it at her passing and into eternity.”

“I received an email from someone I didn’t know, Annie said, with Darryl, her husband, at her side.

It is just like the two of them, Annie and Darryl. They offer encouragement to people they know and don’t know, naturally.  It’s just who they are and what they do during the course of daily living. 

And, someone unknown, returned their encouragement and goodness, as if on cue, just when they needed encouragement themselves.


I’ve helped thousands of people, as a real estate & lifestyle expert, to discover where and how they want to live and work; to achieve Realesation™. That’s why I bring you American Dream TV, Both Sides of the Fence, About the Dish, Monday’s Warm Cocoa and Home by Design Magazine to stir your heart and mind. Contact me so I can join you along your own unique path of discovery.

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