“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop,” Confucius once said.
That thought came to mind as I sat on an airplane, during the boarding process, watching other passengers slowly file past. It seemed as if that trying-to-board line of humanity was not moving at all! At one such moment a stalled passenger looked at me and said, “You get to look at a lot of people!”
“It’s my hobby,” I quipped, with a good-humored smile on my face.
“You never know what you’re going to do in life,” she said with a lightness to her voice.
“We’re all surprised, aren’t we?”
“Yes!” she added as she turned her head slightly back toward me, as those in front of her began to shuffle forward once again.
“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you don’t stop,” I thought again while waiting for the final few passengers to move past in an effort to find their seats. And finally, my mind took off, along with the airplane.
One of the wonderful things about being on an airplane, at its cruising altitude, is the chance to marvel at the change in perspective. It allows one to see the world in a different way. Somehow it seems to make the world much smaller, allowing one to see how everything fits together. Especially after feeling as if progress is slow; as if you’re not moving at all.
We all have times in our lives when it seems as if all we can see is a lack of progress. We feel all hemmed in as if standing in a slow-moving line of people. Such a feeling can cause us to hardly even notice our movement forward. It can be frustrating. But, we don’t have to stay stuck in that place. We can seek a different view, one that doesn’t require a ticket on an airline. Here are some ideas to spur you along.
Take a few minutes to look through old photos to remind yourself of the way your life used to be. Look at photos from when you were in school. Remember that first, old car you once owned. Reminisce of days living in a small apartment with three or four roommates. Then note the differences in the way you’re living now, what you’ve accomplished and soon, you won’t be standing in that stuck line of humanity. You’ll have gained a thirty-thousand-foot view of your life again.
Enjoy the view and relish your surprise at what you’ve accomplished.
I’m Lynn Butterfield, Real Estate & Lifestyle Expert and Television Host for American Dream TV in Northwest Arkansas. I’ve helped hundreds of Buyers and Sellers, as a real estate agent with Coldwell Banker, to discover where and how they want to live and work; to achieve what I call Realesation™. That’s why I bring you American Dream TV, Both Sides of the Fence, About the Dish, Monday’s Warm Cocoa and Home by Design Magazine to stir your heart and mind. Contact me so I can join you along your own unique path of discovery.