“One year ago, I was sitting in my law office, looking out it’s skyscraper window with slumped shoulders. All I did, each day, was argue with other attorneys,” my friend Lane said while standing amidst our gathered group of friends.
Lane is, or should I say was, a very successful real estate attorney. He was living in one of America’s largest cities. He had worked hard to obtain his law degree, get hired by a major firm and finally, become a partner in the firm. He thought he was working toward happiness and freedom.
“It felt as if every day was some kind of free-for-all. I felt as if my whole life was continuous fighting,” he continued. That was about the change.
One particular morning he was struggling to leave the comfort of his car as he pulled into the large parking garage attached to his office tower. So, he continued to drive up and up, until he reached the very top level of the structure. It was so early, there were no other cars parked on that top deck.
He parked his lonely car toward the east side of that concrete pad, planted his long legs on its hard surface and got out of his car. Once he was out of the car, he walked to the cement wall in front of him, which reached up to about his waist. Lane stood there, raised his arms to the middle of his body and put his hands on his hips while looking out over the early morning, still lazy city.
The sun was just rising over the mountains. Its rays pierced his chest and warmed his eyes. And, it brought a thought that would change his life. “This beauty is freely given to all. It welcomes joy and peace.”
“Today, I got up and got on my mountain bike, before breakfast. I rode on the trail near my house and felt the wind rush across my face. I let the beauty become infused with my entire being. I’m happy to be here. I’m glad to be living a happy life here with you,” Lane said, before sitting down.
Two mornings later my friend Jewel Mlnarik came over to talk with me after another meeting.
“I woke up this morning to the sound of birds singing, just before the frogs joined the chorus. Then in the evening, I was dazzled by the sight of the lightening bugs, gliding to the music offered by a band of chirping crickets and croaking frogs,” Jewel said with sparkling joy radiating from her eyes.
I replied with, “Isn’t it wonderful that such beauty and wonder is free for all?”
I’m Lynn Butterfield, Real Estate & Lifestyle Expert and Television Host for American Dream TV in Northwest Arkansas. I’ve helped hundreds of Buyers and Sellers, as a real estate agent and Associate Broker with Coldwell Banker, to discover where and how they want to live and work; to achieve what I call Realesation™. That’s why I bring you American Dream TV, Both Sides of the Fence, About the Dish, Monday’s Warm Cocoa and Home by Design Magazine to stir your heart and mind. Contact me so I can join you along your own unique path of discovery.