Monday, December 2, 2024

Monday's Warm Cocoa, 2 December 2024, "Ragtag"

Being a Samaritan


There was a line of people waiting at the door. You could say it was a ragtag group of people. And, you’d be right. The people in line were not from a cookie-cutter mold. They all looked different from each other. There was no one-size-fits-all assumption for the group to be made just from looking at them. Yet, there was one serving person about, being helpful.

The front door would open briefly and she would walk out with a hot cup of coffee in each hand. She was smiling as she offered the steaming cup of comfort to one person and then she’d empty her other hand by gifting the last cup of her jaunt. Her accepted offering was received with warm gratitude as was the morning crisp, on the cool side. And, for the ragtag group either standing, sitting in a wheel chair or leaning on a walker, waiting on the concrete sidewalk, the morning felt even more cold and inhospitable.

Such frostiness was what I was expecting as I gathered myself to weave through the dissimilar crowd of unknown people. Yet, the waitrons were anything but coldhearted.

“You’ll need to pound on the door so they can hear you,” one after another said as I wound my way through the fifty or more people waiting for the Samaritan Community Center to open for service. They were lucidly experienced in such matters and their advice proved to be flawless for an inexperienced. As it didn’t take much knocking before a bright and welcoming gatekeeper came to usher me inside and toward the volunteer desk to receive a name tag and instruction.

The tutoring was painless and swift for the small group of volunteers, all scrunched together learning and watching. I gazed around at the faces surrounding me to find additional commonality.

It was a ragtag group! We were disparate people prepping for service in a kitchen just to the left of the front door. You could say it was an inside-ragtag-group to complement the ragtag group coming in from the outside. And, you’d be right. The people inside were absent a cookie-cutter mold. They were all different, each one. There was no one-size-fits-all assumption for the group to be made, just from glancing at them. Sure, they represented one business, yet as individuals they were distinctive. Until you measured one unifying trait.

“Suddenly, miraculously, a Good Samaritan leaned over and handed the cashier a dollar bill on my behalf,” with reference to Luke 10:33 in the Bible.

We, all of us, inside and once outside, were gathered together to be charitable or helpful to each other. Those outside helped me with kindness when I was in need. And, those I was serving with inside, were now handing two bags of Thanksgiving Dinner fixings and a large turkey to each of those, once outside, now inside.

Together. Being helpful.


I’ve helped thousands of people, as a real estate & lifestyle expert, to discover where and how they want to live and work; to achieve Realesation™. That’s why I bring you American Dream TV, Both Sides of the Fence, About the Dish, Monday’s Warm Cocoa and Home by Design Magazine to stir your heart and mind. Contact me so I can join you along your own unique path of discovery.

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