Monday, July 8, 2024


“Adam’s friend called us from the emergency room.” – Chris Kendall


She held me tight and sobbed on my shoulder. This unanticipated and poignant embrace allowed me to feel the depth of Rebecca’s pain. It radiated through me like the burning of an overheated sun. Hers was the first embrace received, immediately upon my arrival. Another almost identical emotional squeeze was to follow directly.

Chris Kendall came next, delivering a follow-on embrace, as soon as his spouse, Rebecca pulled away. He is a tall, broad shouldered man of seventy-seven years and every inch of his frame was mourning. His lamentation gripped my entirety, causing even my bones to hurt, especially as he spoke in broken alterations between halting, catching-breaths and tears.

“His friend called us from the emergency room. She wanted us to know what was happening,” he began. “It was late at night when she called. We were getting ready to go visit family in Illinois.”

While pulling away, Chris seemed to gain a sad, yet brief composure, whilst continuing to stand next to me, as if creating veiled separation from the invited-crowd as he continued.

“Even though Adam was being attended by physicians in the medical school hospital where he worked, the doctors didn’t know what was wrong. Nobody did. Then, I heard a noise I’ll never forget! The medical-monitor-flat-line sound cruelly shrilled my son’s death, while on that call.”

We were standing in that same hospital. This time all gathered there were convoked to honor and celebrate the too-short-life of Adam Kendall.

“Look at all the people here!” I expressed to Chris and Rebecca with an accompanying physical gesture. “These people loved Adam and they’ve come to show that affection, as well as to offer you support.

That support is truly needed by Chris and Rebecca. After all, they moved here from Colorado a couple of years ago, just to be closer to their beloved son. Adam had lived here for a mere four years, as part of his short forty-three earth measured years.

“It was too soon! He was too young! We don’t even know why he died, what caused it! I miss him already and I’ll miss him forever,” Chris conveyed after nearly everyone had left the hospital-lobby-filled celebration.

It was time for me to leave too, after another compassionate embrace with Chris and Rebecca. We communicated our leave-taking with shared, gratitude-filled valedictory smiles. Because, though the lobby space was no longer bursting with friends and admirers of Adam, the combined love of friends and family had filled our hearts with comfort, hope and in an unanticipated way, with Adam.


I’ve helped thousands of people, as a real estate & lifestyle expert, to discover where and how they want to live and work; to achieve Realesation. That’s why I bring you American Dream TV, Both Sides of the Fence, About the Dish, Monday’s Warm Cocoa and Home by Design Magazine to stir your heart and mind. Contact me so I can join you along your own unique path of discovery.

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