Monday, October 23, 2023

Hidden Treat

"Little do they know that the hidden treat, the treasured treat, is that I get to be here to buy them something today!”

Hidden Treat

The sun had slipped behind the Oquirrh Mountains. It was now past evening and into the night, Friday night. I thought the day had come to a close. I was wrong, as indicated by a flash on my phone.

“Can I call you?” the message strobed.

Rather than taking the time to respond with my fingers, I answered the urgency with a return call.

“What’s up?” I asked.

“As you know, we’re in the process of moving out. My attending friends and I smelled a strong smell of gas and we all began to feel unwell,” My client said anxiously. “When we smelled gas, I called Dominion Energy.”

As a result, the emergency team at Dominion Energy responded quickly. They walked into the house and asked everyone to leave. It was unsafe for anyone to be there, as gas fumes permeated the entire house.

“I shut off the gas. We’ll let the house air out overnight. Then, you can have a professional contractor come to evaluate the problem and repair it,” the lead inspector said as he handed the owner of the property his report.

The report detailed all gas line-fed appliances, while identifying the flex-feed line which provides natural gas to the furnace as having the leak. I knew this because my Client took a photo of the report and sent it to me with a message.

“Dominion Energy asked me to tell you about this immediately,” her note said. “What should I do? I don’t have any money to pay someone to make the necessary repair because of the expense of moving my family.”

So, I contacted a local HVAC company first thing in the morning and made arrangements for them to go to the house to evaluate and repair. And, by noon they had made the home safe again. What could have been a devastating event for this family was remedied. Yet, there is significance beyond the surface of this story.

On this particular Friday night, all of the children of the family were tucked safely in beds in their new home. They had helped move all that day and were exhausted, as was their mother. They didn’t even know of the danger filling their newly empty home.

“Had we been at home, under normal circumstances, we would have all been sleeping and may have never noticed the gas leak before it was too late! Thank goodness we had a hard day so we could be spared!”

Their mother went on to tell me how difficult the move had been for her children.

“They just couldn’t understand why they were having to uproot their lives. Now I know that the real reason was so we could all live. I told them I’d give them a treat for helping with the move. I’m at the store with them now, letting them choose their treat. Little do they know that the hidden treat, the treasured treat, is that we get to be here, together, to buy them something promised today!”

Watch the latest segment of my show on American Dream TV:

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