“It is what the tree overcame that created its ultimate beauty.” - Hector Dominguez
We stood at the top of her driveway. At the end, by the street. That way we could talk away from her house. Because, for the moment, that’s where her pain was residing.
“Thank you for coming,” She said. “I’m glad Mr. Gibby introduced you to me.”
“Me too.” I responded.
“He has really helped me a lot!” She continued.
“And, he probably didn’t charge you.” I added.
That’s when Denise Stickle’s eyes began to fill with glistening tears.
“He has helped me so much! He is amazing!”
Then, she went on to tell me what her plans were. The plans she didn’t want anyone else to know, outside of her partner Bob, and now me. Those were the plans that Darrell Gibby had helped her to formulate. The plans that would allow her to grow around the pain and push her to new heights. Her character was growing.
It’s always difficult for a person to see their own growth. It is especially hard to see how the challenges they’re traversing are adding a new, unique beauty that will be a part of them. A beauty that wouldn’t ever exist had they not encountered their personal struggles. But, I could see this phenomenon working in Denise’s life as we stood under the boughs of the trees that surrounded and added beauty to her home and property. The entire scene reminded me of what Hector Dominguez had said earlier in the day, while discussing the particulars of a new dining table he’s preparing to build for me.
“What I like about the ‘rounds’ is that they display the challenges the tree went through in its life. They show how the tree grew around those challenges. It’s what gives the wood its character and strength.” Hector explained. “It is what the tree overcame that created its ultimate beauty.”
Then he went into more detail, teaching me about how the very fibers making up the tree trunk lay in specific directions to give the tree more density so it becomes stronger as it becomes wider. Trees have to do that so they can reach new heights as they stretch to grow higher. It’s analogous to what Denise is experiencing right now.
Denise’s face was a little damp because her tears had now pushed themselves gently along. Yet, she stood a little higher because of the support she was receiving while stretching to new personal heights. I also noticed a little something else about her as I peered past those tear-filled eyes. A sense of relief radiated around the knots and twists that had added beautiful character to her core. I could see the fiber of her new-found strength as we stood there saying our goodbyes, at the top of her driveway.
I said farewell and got into my car and began to drive away.
“Hardwood!” I said, with no one else there to hear. “Denise is becoming more beautiful as a person because of her challenges.”
I looked in my rearview mirror. Denise was still standing, waving goodbye; established firmly with the other hardwoods gracing her property.