“Are you looking for information?” - Jacquie Brockhoff
The Coincidence-Connection
It was unfamiliar territory. You know how it is. You’re driving around and see a neighborhood, a place, that catches your attention for some reason. That was the case on this bright day. And so, for some reason I stopped the car right there on the corner, off the state highway, so I could look, discover, more intently at what it was that caught my attention. When I did, something else caught my notice.
Another car, headed in the opposite direction stopped right next to me. The driver, a woman, lowered her window and asked, “Are you looking at our neighborhood?”
“Yes.” I replied.
“Great she said! I’ve lived here for a couple of years and I love it! There are three model homes right there.” She said, pointing to the first home on my right. “Would you like to walk through them with me?” Jacquie Brockhoff continued, with a friendly, warm, energetic smile.
Though hesitant, because I was still unsure of why I had stopped there, I accepted her invitation. We spent the next twenty minutes, or so, walking through the three homes and getting to know each other a little bit.
As it turned out, Jacquie doesn’t work for the builder of the homes we toured that day. She doesn’t even sell real estate. She works for a company called Tankersley UniProl Foodservice, where she acts as a Seafood Specialist. She said, “I just had a feeling I should stop and help you.”
I’ve been pondering her kind assistance and this experience over the past six months, or so, trying to discover a reason for this coincidence. Why was I drawn to that place, on that day and time? Why did Jacquie stop to help me, a perfect stranger? Was there a message in this occurrence for me? An answer to this question didn’t take long to arrive in the form of another person.
Less than one month later a friend of mine, Susan Monroe, currently living in Sacramento came to visit. During her visit Susan, Justin and I spent a few minutes strolling through a gallery, filled with exceptional pieces of art. The beauty surrounding us seemed to open her mouth and she confided, “I need to leave Sacramento. I can do my work from anywhere and I’ve been looking for the right place to live. I am pretty sure this is the right place.”
She went on to describe her ideal home and neighborhood. We talked about it over the three days she was visiting and to my surprise she described the neighborhood Jacquie had shown me! I just knew it. So, Susan, Justin and I drove over to the neighborhood together. She and Justin loved it, and now in two weeks, Susan and Justin will be renting a home there. Coincidence? Another message?
Are there really any coincidences in our lives? While asking myself this question I’ve thought back on many other interesting coincidences that have occurred over time. And, a noticeable pattern has come more into focus.
Our universe is made up of energy, energy that responds to our expectations. People are part of that energy universe too, so when we have a question, the people who have the answer show up to deliver it to us. And now, I’m just trying to get this through my head.
Everyone who crosses our path has a message for us. Otherwise they would have taken another path, or left earlier or later. The fact that these people, like Jacquie and Susan, come at a specific moment means that they are there for a reason. The hard part is figuring out who to take time to talk with when talking with everyone is impossible! That means it’s essential to develop a sense of recognition.
How do you do that?
The first step is to begin to analyze the coincidences that naturally come your way. See them for what they are. An opportunity to receive an important message.
The second step is to make a corollary recognition; you also have important messages to deliver to the people with whom you “coincidently” come into contact with.
Finally, remember to always keep your own particular questions in mind. That way you will be able to benefit more quickly than those not consciously making the coincidence-connection. Even people who are still unaware of this coincidence phenomenon can stumble into answers and see coincidences in retrospect.
Using retrospective reflection will open the way for you to see concurrences as a source for answers as they arrive, so your everyday proficiency will be heightened.
For most of us, this is unfamiliar territory. But, you’ll know how it really is. You’ll be living your life naturally, when someone or something catches your attention for some reason. That can be the case every day if you keep our particular questions in the forefront of your mind. You can assume every event; every meeting has significance and contains messages that somehow pertain to answering the questions you’re grappling with.
But, there’s one more thing. The key to this. Being able to really use the coincidence-connection to its full measure, additionally means, speaking-up, entering into an exchange. It’s also when it is your moment to give a message to others. Because it is someone else’s coincidence too.
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