Monday, December 23, 2019

First Tracks

An anonymous snow angel

First Tracks

 Early, in the dark of the morning, I looked out of the window to see gently falling snow.  It had been snowing much of the night, so it had created quite a pile.

“I’d love to go out there and create a snow angel in the fresh snow!”  I said to myself as I hurried through my morning routine.

I was hurried because of my full calendar for the day.  There was little room to dawdle!

I knew that I’d have to leave earlier than I normally would on a clear road day, because of the icy road conditions created by the newly fallen snow.  So, I jumped into my car, giving myself an extra hour for travel and drove down my driveway, making first tracks in the snow, knowing that at the end of the day, well into darkness, I’d need to clear the snow after a long day of toil.

I spent the entire day and evening working and felt lucky that I had given myself the extra time in the morning.  The traffic was snarled the whole way into Salt Lake City as a result of the icy, slick roads.  And now, at the end of my business day, the roads were clear of both snow and traffic.  I snuggled into my car seat, touched the start button, and began my uneventful trek home.

Upon arrival at my driveway I expected to see my first tracks in the driven snow.  I wanted to try to follow them in, so as to make the removal of the snow easier, since there would be less packed ice to struggle with.  I looked through my windshield carefully to spot my early tracks and was astonished as the headlights of my car lit up a completely clear path!

“Wow!  I guess someone else wanted to create a snow angel today!” I said as I felt a deep gratitude for my unknown snow angel.

Early, in the dark of the morning, I looked gratefully out of the window to see gently falling snow.  It had been snowing much of the night, so it had created quite a pile.

“I’d love to go out there and create a snow angel in the fresh snow!”  I said to myself as I hurried through my morning routine.  Now it was just past evening and into the night.

“I wonder who my snow angel is?”  I thought to myself as I pulled into my garage after easily wending my way up the drive.  “I can still become a snow angel! I’ll go out and become one myself!”

Thank you for being my snow angel!  I hope you are reading this.  You’ve made first tracks into my heart.

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