Monday, October 10, 2016

Curing Whatifitis

“What if there is a drought and the well goes dry and if the farmer quits farming in twenty years?” – Danielle

Curing Whatifitis

My telephone told me there was a caller, so I answered and began a conversation.  She was interested in relocating to Utah from another state and had lots of questions.  Her first questions were easily answered and then, they soon became unanswerable. 

 I like to be helpful. I always tell the truth.  And, there are some questions I just can’t answer.  The questions she was soon asking couldn’t be answered by anyone and as she continued I began to see she was burdened by, what I call,“Whatifitis.”

Whatifitis is defined as inflamed, phantom burdens.  It means carrying unnecessary worry about an infinite number of futures that will never occur.

As I listened to Danielle come up with more and more what ifs, I soon wondered how she could carry such a heavy weight.  After all, you and I know that carrying around extra weight isn’t healthy.  And, that applies to both body and psychological weight.  Luckily, there’s an easy five-step cure to Whatifitis.

First, recognize that no one can live in the past or the future.  Accepting this one principle in our lives and making it a rule not to be broken will do more to lighten our psychological loads than anything else I can think of. It’s the first step toward enabling the other steps to a cure.

Second, be actively engaged in your present moment.  Our lives are lived only in the present.  That means that each moment is new and permitting!  Each person chooses to do exactly what he or she wants to do over and over again.  Moments have duality!  They are additive and liberating!  All new moments add up and usher in the following moment.  Each makes a difference!

Third, gather in each moment as it arrives.  Each moment is truly fresh.  That means that each moment is revealed only as its time arrives.  Let it arrive and notice it!

Fourth, as you notice each moment you will begin to see that exactly what you need is always placed before you.  If you’re truly living in the moment, you’ll begin to be filled with gratitude; knowing that what you need is being offered to you at the exact time you need it.

Fifth, have faith in the established system of moments.  Believe that whatever you need will arrive right on time.  Simply gather it in as it is revealed!

Life is a personal revelation and it automatically comes to each one of us!  And, It always offers promise; the promise of grateful anticipation as a reward!  My friend Kyle said it best to me one day.

“I can’t wait for life’s next revelation!  I live in a constant state of amazed anticipation!”

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