Monday, May 2, 2016

A Black Swan Event

“No one could have predicted the future based on the foundation created.” – Tim Mossberger

A Black Swan Event

“When the foundation for the Internet was created, using TCIP, no one could have foreseen where we are today.”  Tim said as he conversed with me about the new root software he created.

I was sitting just across a conference table from Tim, the creator of ENT Technologies.  He was walking me through his new foundational software design. 

Tim said, “It will become the platform of the Internet’s next generation. The current foundation scan never provide necessary security.” 

Tim continued.  “The problem is that the architecture of today’s system was not designed to do what we’re using it for.  My new software is designed so that more connections actually make it more secure!”

“Thought-provoking.”  I said.  “I’ve noticed that security is largely taking one of two possible paths these days.  One path is to retract to the past and take everything offline.  But, you’ve blazed a second possible path forward, innovation.”

“Yes.”  He said.  “You can retract to the past or you can explore the future!”

We went on to talk about how life has changed.  Technology has allowed us to be more productive and flexible than ever before.  But, that flexibility has come with some costs.  When I was young I remember having conversations about having all sorts of free time because machines would be performing so much of our work.  Now we live in a variation of that, a future unforeseen.

Yes.  We have machines that do amazing things for us.  They work or facilitate so we can go forward doing more and more! For some, doing more has become a millstone; it has swallowed up leisure time.  And, that’s not all.

We can communicate with each other almost any time or any place.  Today’s ease of communication makes even the “Johnny Quest” futuristic cartoon of yesteryear seem antiquated and quaint at best!  But the cost is that of strangers being able to intrude into our cherished private lives with the stroke of a key.  Today’s world is certainly different that I thought it would be, some of it bad, but most of it miraculous.  

I looked across the table at Tim again.

“Two paths!”  I whispered to myself.

No.  I can’t predict the future.  Perhaps as I looked at Tim I was seeing and listening to the future.  But, one thing is certain.  When we approach our future with innovation as the root, we are creating wonders and marvels unknown today.  You and I can overcome today’s troubles and create miracles in our own lives by innovating as well. 

Tim discovered his breakthrough technology by examining the way people intuitively and naturally go about living and communicating.  In the end he created what one expert has described as a “Black Swan” event!

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